Placer County California Reopens Businesses, Schools, Churches in Defiance of Gov. Newsom, and COVID Incidents Decrease – Model for Rest of California?

Kirk Uhler is the elected County Supervisor for the 4th District in Placer County, CA. Image from Facebook.

Comments by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

Kirk Uhler is the elected County Supervisor for the 4th District in Placer County, California.

Placer County made news earlier this month (September, 2020) when the Board of Supervisors voted to remove all the COVID pandemic measures, allowing businesses, schools, and churches to re-open, risking losing state funding for defying Governor Newsom.

As can be expected, Big Pharma interests kicked into high gear to protest the County’s actions. Placer County Health Officer and Public Health Director, Dr Aimee Sisson, for example, resigned from her position.

Kirk Uhler streamed a Facebook video this week exposing the lies in a Sacramento Bee’s article that blamed the unanimous Board resolution on “anti-vaxxers.”

In Uhler’s video, he shows how New COVID cases, county residents hospitalized, positive test results, and cases per 100,000 have all dramatically DECREASED since the Board passed their resolution, which of course should silence all of their critics, except that those who want to continue “emergency” dictates indefinitely really do not care about statistics, or the truth.

Other counties throughout California should now follow suit, and put the health and lives of their constituents as first priority over the tyrannical State Government’s desire to continue destroying the economy of California, and any potential loss of COVID funding (which can be challenged in court as well).

Watch Mr. Uhler’s full video. If it disappears, let us know and we will provide it from a different platform.

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