10 Pieces of Evidence Against the Most Diabolical Russian Spy

As special counsel Robert Mueller presumably wraps up the Russia probe, one important point, about one important suspect, has escaped much scrutiny.

Evidence revealed over the past two years indicates former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page is the most diabolical Russian spy ever known. Ever.

Ten pieces of evidence support this conclusion:

We know Carter Page is a diabolical Russian spy because the FBI wiretapped him. Under our laws, FBI agents cannot wiretap a U.S. citizen based merely on suspicion or hunches, or to fish for information; they must possess hard evidence indicating the target is currently — or imminently about to become — a foreign spy. So the FBI would not have wiretapped Page if it couldn’t meet the legal evidence threshold. (At least they shouldn’t have.) (Continued…)

Read the rest of the story at The Hill: https://thehill.com/opinion/white-house/421771-10-pieces-of-evidence-against-most-diabolical-russian-spy-ever

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Original source: https://sharylattkisson.com/2018/12/21/10-pieces-of-evidence-against-the-most-diabolical-russian-spy/

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