2019 Has Been Good for Trump… So Far: Unscientific Poll

Most respondents say President Trump has had a good or terrific year so far.

Those are the results of our latest unscientific poll at SharylAttkisson.com.

83% say 2019 has been “terrific” or “more good than bad” for The Donald.s

The rest of the poll results are below:

We asked “So far, for Trump 2019 has been…”

Terrific 46%

Horrible 4%

Mixed but more bad 6%

Mixed but more good 37%

Equal bad and good 5%

Don’t know/don’t care >1%

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Original source: https://sharylattkisson.com/2019-has-been-good-for-trump-so-far-unscientific-poll/

See comments at original source: https://sharylattkisson.com/2019-has-been-good-for-trump-so-far-unscientific-poll/#respond

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