Fast and Furious Story Links

Primer on Fast and Furious Scandal

Fast and Furious 6 years later, interview with Special Agent John Dodson, June 25, 2017

20+ examples of the violent legacy of Fast and Furious, Jan. 20, 2106

Guilty Plea in Brian Terry Murder, Aug. 11, 2015

Belatedly released and revealing Fast and Furious Documents, Dec. 24, 2014

Fast and Furious Crime Scene Photos Ordered Released Dec. 22, 2014

I.G. Faults U.S. Law Enforcement in Dangerous Grenade Walker Case, Oct. 30, 2014

Justice Dept. List of Withheld Fast & Furious Docs is 1,323 Pages Long, Oct. 23, 2014

Here’s Fast and Furious Info. the Justice Dept. Won’t Give Congress, Oct. 16, 2014

7th Brian Terry Suspect Indicted, Aug. 7, 2014

Brian Terry Murder Suspect Extradited, June 18, 2014

Fast and Furious Docs Still Withheld Under Executive Privilege, June 9, 2014

Justice Dept. Sued for Fast and Furious Response, June 1, 2014

Gunwalker Scandal Uncovered at ATF. Feb. 22, 2011

ATF Agent: We Let Guns Walk. March 3, 2011

US Embassy Issues Gunwalker Statement. March 3, 2011

Agent: I was Ordered to Let Guns Into Mexico. March 4, 2011(Video here)

Additional video from March 4, 2011 report here.

Additional interview excerpt with John Dodson. March 4, 2011

Morning show version of “I was Ordered to Let Guns Into Mexico. March 2011

Reaction from Border Patrol Agent’s Family. March 4, 2011

Beanbags vs. AK-47’s at Border Patrol. March 4, 2011

ATF Internal Memo after CBS Report: ‘We Need Positive Press.’ March 4, 2011

Mexico Requests Info on Gunwalker. March 6, 2011

Napolitano: I Was Unaware of Homeland Security’s Link to Gunwalker. March 9, 2011

Justice Memo to Self: No Gunwalking. March 15, 2011

Congressional Investigators Back in Arizona for Gunwalker. March 16, 2011

Second ATF Agent Speaks Out on Gunwalker: March 21, 2011

NRA Reacts to CBS Gunwalker Story: March 21, 2011

Obama on Gunwalker: Serious Mistake May Have Been Made. March 23, 2011

Former ATF Lead Agent in Mexico Says Mexicans Kept in the Dark on Fast and Furious. March 25, 2011

Mexican Attorney General Says “Full Force of Law” to be Used in Fast and Furious Investigation, March 28, 2011

Issa Demands Gunwalking Info From Secretary Clinton. March 29, 2011

Congressional Investigators Land in Arizona for Gunwalker Probe. April 26, 2011

Grassley to Holder: You May Be Ill-Served. May 3, 2011

DOJ’s Breuer Authorized Fast and Furious Wiretap, May 4, 2011

Charges in Murder of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry. May 6, 2011

Major ATF Shakeup After Gunwalker. May 17, 2011

Gunwalker Guns Linked to Helicopter Shooting. June 6, 2011

Congress Begins ATF Gunwalker Probe. June 10, 2011

Congress Irate Over Gunwalking. June 15, 2011

Issa Counters Anonymous Critics. June 22, 2011

Mexican Assassination Linked to Gunwalker Weapons. June 23, 2011

Another Murder Linked to ATF Undercover Operation. June 24, 2011

ATF Explains Award to Fast and Furious Agent. June 24, 2011

Obama Talks “Fast and Furious.” June 29, 2011

ATF Manager Shared Fast and Furious Info with White House. July 26, 2011

Gunwalker: “Perfect Storm of Idiocy.” July 26, 2011

More Fast and Furious Guns Found at Crime Scenes. Aug. 27, 2011

ATF Director Out of Top Job. Aug. 30, 2011

Three Top ATF Officials Moved in Fast and Furious Scandal. Aug. 31, 2011

Coverup in Gunwalker Case? Sept. 1, 2011

Gunwalker Probe Expands. Sept. 2, 2011

Gunwalker: Who at White House Knew? Sept. 2, 2011

ATF Gunwalker Case Transferred Out of Arizona. Sept. 6, 2011

McCain Wants Holder to Testify in Gunwalker Hearing. Sept. 7, 2011

ATF Investigation Expands to White House Staffers. Sept. 9, 2011

Second Violent Crime Linked to Gunwalker. Sept. 9, 2011

Three More Murders Linked to Fast and Furious. Sept. 14, 2011

Fast and Furious Secret Audio Recordings Raise New Questions. Sept. 19, 2011

Secret Audio Recordings Reveal ATF Concerned About Whistleblower. Sept. 20, 2011

Secret Audio Recordings: Brian Terry “Collateral Damage.” Sept. 21

White House Answers Congress in Gunwalker. Sept. 26, 2011

Gunwalker Allegation: ATF Target Was FBI Informant. Sept. 28, 2011

Memos Contradict Holder on Fast and Furious. Oct. 3, 2011

ATF Shuffles Personnel in Fast and Furious Scandal. Oct. 5, 2011

Operation Wide Receiver: Informant Recruited in 2006. Oct. 5, 2011

Video version here

Obama: I Certainly Wasn’t Aware of Gunwalking. Oct. 6, 2011

Arizona Sheriffs Call for Independent Investigation of Holder. Oct. 7 2011

Deputy AG Received Fast and Furious Details. Oct. 7, 2011

Holder Responds to Critics on Fast and Furious. Oct. 7, 2011

Obama Defends Holder in Fast and Furious. Oct. 7, 2011

Leahy Plans Oversight Hearing with Holder. Oct. 7, 2011

Holder Could Be Subpoenaed. Oct. 11, 2011

Holder Subpoenaed in Fast and Furious. Oct. 12, 2011

Fast and Furious on Face the Nation. Oct. 14, 2011

Congress Seeks Defense Dept Records in Fast and Furious. Oct. 14, 2011

Grenade-walking part of Gunwalker. Oct. 14, 2011

 Fast and Furious Politics. Oct. 16, 2011

FBI Hiding Facts on Fast and Furious? Oct. 16, 2011

Discrepancies in Gunwalker Investigation. Oct. 17, 2011

DOJ: No Third Gun in Brian Terry Murder. Oct. 18, 2011

Napolitano on Fast and Furious. Oct. 19, 2011

Congress Tells FBI: Clarify Evidence in Brian Terry Murder. Oct. 20, 2011

Mexican Cartel Suspect: US Gave Me Immunity. Oct. 26, 2011

Clinton: DOJ Didn’t Seek State Dept. Permission for Gunwalker Operation. Oct. 27, 2011

DOJ Official Knew of Gunwalking in April 2010. Oct. 31, 2011

DOJ Knew of ATF “Gunwalking.” Nov.1, 2011

ATF Legal Counsel Had “Moral Objections” Over Gunwalking. Nov. 3, 2011

Holder Calls Gunwalking Unacceptable; Regrets Tactics. Nov. 8, 2011

What Did Holder Know about Fast and Furious? Nov. 9, 2011

Brian Terry Family Wants Answers. Nov. 9, 2011

Holder Sorry for Brian Terry Loss. Nov. 11, 2011

Gunwalker Scandal Timeline.Nov. 22, 2011

White House Releases New Docs in Fast and Furious. Nov. 30, 2011

DOJ Emails Show Disagreement Over Response to Grassley in Fast and Furious. Dec. 2, 2011

Grassley Calls for Senior DOJ Official to Step Down. Dec. 7, 2011

Eric Holder in Hot Seat Over Fast and Furious. Dec. 8, 2011

Lawmakers: Heads Should Roll over Gunwalker Scandal. Dec. 8, 2011

ATF Used Fast and Furious to Make the Case for More Gun Regulations. Dec. 11, 2011

Terry Family Mark One Year Anniversary of Murder. Dec. 14, 2011

More Gunwalker Questions for Eric Holder. Jan. 30, 2012

Family of Brian Terry Sue Govt. Feb. 1, 2012

Second Gun Used in ICE Agent’s Murder Linked to ATF Undercover Operation. Feb. 22, 2012

Cong. Investigators Fault ATF “Irresponsible Tactics” in ICE Agent’s Murder. Feb. 27, 2012

ATF Let Gunwalking Suspect Go After Arrest. March 19, 2012

Issa Threatens Contempt in Gunwalker. April 20, 2012

New ATF Grenade Docs Given to Congress. April 25, 2012

Republicans Prepare Action Against Holder. April 27, 2012

Govt. Response to CBS Documents Requests: Blank Records. April 27, 2012

GOP to Distribute Draft Contempt Citation. May 3, 2012

Issa: Waiting for Fast and Furious Docs Like Waiting for “Godot.” May 11, 2012

Boehner Joins in Pressuring Holder Over Fast and Furious. May 18, 2012

DEA Accidentally Finds Guns From “Gunwalker.” May 19, 2012

Homeland Security IG Investigates Fast and Furious. May 22, 2012

Congress Obtains Fast and Furious Wiretap Information. June 5, 2012

House Panel Schedules Contempt Vote on Fast and Furious Documents. June 10, 2012

House Panel Schedules Contempt Vote Against Holder. June 11, 2012

CBS Evening News Wins Murrow Award. June 12, 2012

ICE Agent’s Family Files Wrongful Death Claim Against US Govt. June 20, 2012

What is Fast and Furious? June 20, 2012

Whistleblowers Supervised by Manager Who Threatened Retaliation. June 29, 2012

White House ex-Staffer Can’t Be Questioned on Fast and Furious. June 25, 2012

Exclusive: Fast and Furious IG Report Slams Phoenix Personnel. Aug. 27, 2012

Fast and Furious Gun Found at Scene of Mexican Beauty Queen Shootout Dec. 18, 2012

More Fast and Furious Guns Surface at Crime Scenes. Aug. 14, 2013

Deadly Drug Cartel Shootout Linked to Grenadewalker Scandal. Oct. 17, 2013

Fast and Furious Whistleblower After He Blew the Whistle. Dec. 2, 2013

CBS Exclusive: IG still investigating possible third gun missing from Terry murder scene. Jan. 21, 2014

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