Key takeaways from Comey’s testimony

I read through Comey’s closed door testimony to Congress so you don’t have to. But you still can– the transcript and page numbers are included in my article here:

Hillary Clinton probe

Comey confirmed that controversial FBI lovers Peter Strzok and Lisa Page served both on the team investigating Hillary Clinton’s email practices and the team investigating Trump-Russia connections (p. 18).

Context: Strzok and Page were pulled from the Special Counsel Robert Mueller probe in summer 2017 after the DOJ Inspector General discovered they had exchanged many, pejorative text message and emails. For example, emails lambasted Trump, saying that Hillary should beat him “100 million to zero.” One email referred to Hillary as “the President.” Strzok and Page left the FBI earlier this year amid ongoing controversy.

See the rest of the article at the Epoch Times link.

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