92: How you can create an impactful business with global leaders with Jeff Hittner and Greg Van Kirk


Greg and Jeff are doing some amazing things to create social change in developing countries through the power of entrepreneurship. It was amazing to have them on the show and hear about their upcoming program, Career X and how YOU as a member of Successful Dropout can get involved.

If you are interested in entrepreneurship, looking for an adventure, and want to challenge yourself…how better to do it than going to Guatemala to build a business??

The adventure is 2.5 weeks long and you’ll experience all the steps of launching a business: design thinking and prototyping, marketing, content creation, supply chain strategy, customer experience and more. You’ll also be working with Jeff and Greg who have been building impactful businesses for over 15 years!

The first Guatemala program runs May 24 – June 10 so hurry and check it out here! This is your chance to gain unforgettable and invaluable entrepreneurial experience + have a crazy adventure you’ll always remember.

About Greg Van Kirk & Jeff Hittner


Greg Van Kirk is an Ashoka Lemelson Fellow, Ashoka Globalizer and was recently recognized as Schwab Foundation “Social Entrepreneur of the Year for 2012 (Latin America)” at the World Economic Forum. He is the co-founder of Career X and The New Development Solutions Group. This includes Community Empowerment SolutionsSocial Entrepreneur Corps and Ultimiya Social Innovation Consulting. Greg’s signature social innovation was the creation of the award winning MicroConsignment Model. He has served as a consultant for organizations such as Levi Strauss Foundation, USAID, Chemonics, VisionSpring, Soros Foundation, Church World Service, Inter American Development Bank, Water For People, Solutions Journalism Network and Fundacion Paraguaya in the US, Latin America, Eastern Europe and Africa. Greg began working in rural small business development as a Guatemala Peace Corps volunteer in 2001. Prior to the Peace Corps, Greg worked in investment banking in San Francisco and New York for five years. Two deals he led at UBS during this time won “Deal of the Year” honors from Structured Finance International magazine. Greg is a graduate of Miami University where he recently received the“Bishop Medal” . Greg lives with his family in New York City.


Jeff leads Your Project X, a social venture dedicated to helping people (re)discover their purpose to build careers they’ll love. He has more than 18 years experience as an entrepreneur, consultant, professor and changemaker. He is the founder of five social ventures, including IBM’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) consulting practice. In 2011, he developed the curriculum for the first MBA in Sustainability on the East Coast, at Bard College, where he was the Leadership professor. He was also two-time Chairman of the Carnegie New Leaders at the Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Affairs.



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