95: How to Build Something That Attracts People and Other Q&A With Kylon, Te, and Chelann Gienger


This week I decided to sit down with my wife and sister and answer some questions from the SD community.

Between the three of us we all run six figure businesses, manage employees and staff, run podcasts and communities, two of us dropped out of school, we’ve been broke, had business partners, worked with spouses, siblings and friends building businesses, we’ve failed, we’ve succeeded, we’ve switched, pivoted, or quit things…you name it.

We got a great response and you guys asked some fantastic questions that we do our best to answer here.

We don’t have it all figured out, but we can speak from a lot of experience and the fact that we are STILL in the process of figuring it out.

Here are some of the things we talk about:

  • Benefits of a brick and mortar business versus an online business
  • Business plans
  • Business partners
  • Raising money to start your business
  • How to start a brick and mortar business with a family and busy schedule
  • Being business partners with family and friends
  • How to be a great podcast guest/what to look for in podcast guests
  • Important financial knowledge to learn and keep in mind when starting a business
  • Business and taxes – what to do?
  • How do you build a business or endeavor that attracts people/customers?
  • The importance of culture, customer service, and your product



Thanks again for listening to the show! If it has helped you in any way, please share it using the social media buttons you see on the page.

Additionally, reviews for the podcast on iTunes are extremely helpful and greatly appreciated! They do matter in the rankings of the show and I read each and every one of them.

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The post 95: How to Build Something That Attracts People and Other Q&A With Kylon, Te, and Chelann Gienger appeared first on Successful Dropout.

Reprinted from: https://successfuldropout.com/how-to-build-something-that-attracts-people-and-other-qa-with-kylon-te-and-chelann-gienger/

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