97: The Simple System to Achieve Anything With Sivana Brewer


Sivana is an ambitious and outspoken 20-year-old who believes the reason most young people aren’t achieving what they want is that they are unclear on who they want to become, undisciplined, and have a lack of support in education outside of the current system. From an early age, she has had her hand in different endeavors, including a successful fashion resale business, to a failed PR business. As a college dropout, Sivana has traveled from a suitcase for 14 months forging relationships and working with Forbes CEO’s, NYT bestselling authors, and online influencers. She is now on a mission to leave an impact through new forms of education, digital marketing, and influence. Sivana is passionate about speaking to high school students, reading way too many books (if that’s even a thing), and watching reruns of Survivor.

Sivana is very much a kindred spirit and the epitome of a Successful Dropout with her approach to life and work. From her struggle to know herself, to her commitment to get 1% better everyday and her “RAD” system of reflect, align, do…Sivana has thrown herself into the self-directed life. We haven’t heard the last of her!

Some of the things we talk about:

  • Making money in high school
  • Success versus accomplishment
  • Struggling with who you are and what you should do with your life
  • A system for figuring out who you, what you want to do, and how you’re going to get there
  • On purpose and passion
  • On people judging you for dropping/opting out of the status quo
  • Turn stress into an adventure
  • Always asking “what’s great about this?”
  • The power of committing to being 1% better everyday!
  • When is quitting something good…and when is quitting something bad?
  • The importance of never losing momentum
  • Advice for people who are thinking of dropping out of college
  • Advice for people who are already on their entrepreneurial journey

A system for progress and achievement (RAD)

Reflect – Take the time to get to know yourself, what you want to do, be and have.

Align – Place yourself in the right situations with the right people that are headed where you want to go.

Do – Take massive action! Take the first step!



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The post 97: The Simple System to Achieve Anything With Sivana Brewer appeared first on Successful Dropout.

Reprinted from: https://successfuldropout.com/the-simple-system-to-achieve-anything-with-sivana-brewer/

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