What is wrong with our society today. Written by Daniel Vu

We have delayed adulthood and maturity in our educational institutions.

The very institutions that’s suppose to be for individual growth is the root cause of delayed growth.

Sit at any dinner table of an average family (if a family even has time for dinner together , let alone having meaningful conversations) with kids going through school these days. The kids are probably worried about their upcoming exams, assignments to fulfill, along with dealing with complex mathematic equations that Mom and Dad did not have to deal with previously.

Even more, listen to the conversations of anyone in school talking to each other. They are talking about the same thing that they were talking about at the dinner table. By the time they throw their graduation caps in the air and receive an expensive piece of paper certifying that they are ready for the adult world, they are not ready for the adult world at all.

“How are we supposed to write this check? And a credit score of 100? Is that even good?”

While it’s not necessarily wrong to live with your parents after the completion of college, you must ask yourself the ultimate question:

How and when will I ever grow up? How so?

Is it learning how to rent or buy your own place?

Is it learning how to fix problems in said place?

Is it learning how to get an actual job?

Learning how to stand out from the rest of the crowd?

Is it learning how to deal with people that you don’t necessarily like?


Questions of that matter are not taught in school whereas academics of the non-correlated kind are being taught instead. It has come to a point where “adulting” courses are emerging for those who lack the basic homemaking skills in life.

There must a stronger emphasis on teaching our next generation to not only be self-sufficient, but to be mature in a sense where they can take on the most basic needs that are lacking. The last thing you want to deal with is some moron who had a 4.0 GPA that somehow breaks your toilet, but doesn’t know how to fix it.


About the Author:

Daniel Vu served in the United States Marine Corps from 2014 to 2018 after dropping out of college. During his service, he deployed to the Middle East in support of Operation Inherent Resolve in 2016, and to Vietnam in 2017 with the Defense POW/MIA MIA Accounting Agency as a Vietnamese translator. Having completed his service, Daniel is now a copywriter, answers questions on Quora.com, runs an online outdoor store, and obsessed with making memes.

The post What is wrong with our society today. Written by Daniel Vu appeared first on Successful Dropout.

Reprinted from: https://successfuldropout.com/what-is-wrong-with-our-society-today-written-by-daniel-vu/

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