2022 April 22 The Bryan Hyde Show

The current Fourth Turning is getting pretty spicy. And the heat is only going to increase from here. Dr. Donald W. Miller says America in the 2020s is in its most dangerous decade.
Why do some folks cling so desperately to the concept of mask mandates? Dan Sanchez does a good job of breaking this issue down to the essence of what's at stake: It's not about keeping you safe, it's about reminding you who's boss.
Is the common sense of the American people beginning to overtake the gaslighting and lies of the political class and their narrative managers? Ron Wright says a great reset is coming with the midterm elections, but it won't be the reset the elite are expecting.
What makes the political class so dangerous right now is that they are operating from a position of weakness. Duggan Flanakin says we are witnessing the last gasps of poseur politics.
The authorities who oversaw the covid response ended up creating something much worse than the virus. Jordan Schachtel explains why we are witnessing the death throes of the "public health expert"
Why is the CDC trying to put a mask back on your face? Jeffrey A. Tucker says the ruling class is having a long overdue encounter with the reality that we do not trust them.
The contempt that the ruling class feels for the common people is usually hidden behind a paternalistic mask. As Kit Knightly explains, that mask has been slipping lately. Like the Rhode Island lawmakers who want to punish the parents of unvaxxed children.
Opposition to the growing fixation on gender identity and politics in our government schools isn't based in hatred toward an oppressed minority. As Betsy McCaughey explains, it's because there are powerful arguments to keep "trans ed" out of our schools.
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