2022 July 8 The Bryan Hyde Show

The Bryan Hyde Show

Revel in Wrongthink


Here's a skill that many of us never thought we'd need as adults: How to survive attacks by online trolls. Megan McArdle says online trolls are best ignored, hard as that is to do.

Does the Constitution need to be amended? John Stossel asked this question of several public figures as well as individuals on the street. The answers they gave might just surprise you.

Why does the federal government keep a dying railroad monopoly going? Robert E. Wright has a great take on the Amtrak abomination and judging by the flak he's stirred up, he's definitely over the target.

Strange that someone would blow up the Georgia Guide Stones which call for massive depopulation of the planet, among other things. J.B. Shurk reminds us that anti-democratic delusions require population control.

If January 6 was as bad as the political class claims it was, why do they have to keep lying about it? Julie Kelly takes apart the myth of the "armed mob" that's being pushed by the Jan 6 committee.

The surest fix that our culture needs right now is strong, intact families. Annie Holmquist suggests that we stop telling singles to try online dating.

Nobody aspires to be a sucker. Even so, we're all at risk of being manipulated and bamboozled by skilled opportunists. Thomas Harrington explores how many among us are suckers and how to protect ourselves.

The anger we're seeing from the political left isn't just a passing hissy fit. As Brandon Smith explains, it's part of a long term process to implode our culture and it's time to stop compromising with them.

Bonus: James Howard Kunstler's take on our next great endeavor.


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