2022 Oct 26 The Bryan Hyde Show

When justice becomes politicized, tyranny becomes the norm. Daniel McAdams describes the current state of political justice in America and what we must do about it.
Our mainstream media is very attached to its pet narratives surrounding Jan 6. That's what makes it so satisfying when mere citizens push back with facts. The truth is slowly but surely getting out there.
The midterm elections in a couple of weeks are garnering a lot of attention. When they are over, the next big battle to watch is the one in which Fauci and others will be deposed in a court of law over free speech violations by the Biden administration and social media companies.
Parallel economies and institutions are going to be a necessity, if we are to free ourselves from the grasp of leviathan. Brandon Smith says if red states want protection from collapse, they have to build parallel economies.
The push toward "green" energy is being used to justify lowering the developed world's standard of living in a big way. Nick Giambruno says, amid our current energy crisis, the green delusion is colliding with reality.
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