2022 September 5 The Bryan Hyde Show

Want to better understand how so much of the world around us is being manipulated via psycho-social experiments? Kit Knightly has a terrific essay on 5 psychological experiments that explain the modern world.
The president's recent speech demonizing roughly half the voters in the country followed a proven pattern by which totalitarians consolidate power by creating an enemy at the gate. Jeffrey A. Tucker explains the return of Carl Schmitt's formula for regime longevity.
Know that we know that we are part of a "battle for the soul of our nation" we should first ascertain where we are, as a nation, before proceeding. James Howard Kunstler has a comprehensive take on what's happening.
Thanks to the introduction of "social" justice, authentic justice is no longer blind in the U.S. The Good Citizen has a solid take on anarcho-tyranny and how our systems of law are weaponized against the taxpaying public while encouraging real anarchy from sacred groups protected by the state.
We're all wondering, at some level, how to navigate the storm that is upon us. Deana Chadwell has some inspiring thoughts for what to do when you feel the earth move under your feet.
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