2023 Apr 10 The Bryan Hyde Show

The Bryan Hyde Show

Revel in Wrongthink


Is the right to self defense being carefully done away with? The Texas man who shot and killed an antifa protestor that pointed a loaded rifle at him in Austin in 2020 was originally exonerated. Last week a politically-motivated DA had him convicted of murder.

The militant trans activists seem determined to find a dog they can kick until it bites. Brandon Smith lists the many reasons transgender grievance culture is garbage.

The folks who want to shape public opinion sure would like us to forget about what they euphemistically are calling "the events of March 2020." Jeffrey A. Tucker warns, don't let them memory hole what was done to us.

If you've been sitting on the fence as to whether "the science" has been corrupted or not, here's something to consider. Check out this unbelievable exchange between Del Bigtree and Neil DeGrasse Tyson.


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