2023 Dec 28 The Bryan Hyde Show

The Bryan Hyde Show

Revel in Wrongthink


Whether you're a gold bug or not, the history of how the price of gold has fluctuated is worth knowing. Clifford F. Thies explains the golden constant.

As an added bonus, here's a list of the seven biggest lies told (and believed) about gold.

Getting factual information is shockingly difficult even though we live in the information age. J.B. Shurk says to fight this information war, we need to keep our message simple and repeat it often.

Many of us are rightly concerned about the mental well-being of our teens. Kurt Mahlburg shares the news of a recent study that says teens with very conservative parents are most likely to have excellent mental health.

Article of the Day:

If gratitude makes us happier, why do so many people struggle with feelings of entitlement? Jon Miltimore revisits the story of Jesus and the ten lepers to show how it's not enough to just feel thankful–we need to act on it.


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