2023 Mar 1 The Bryan Hyde Show

The Bryan Hyde Show

Revel in Wrongthink


When people choose to live in a state of learned helplessness, they've often been given some strong incentive to do so. Jason Sorens warns against the folly of treating adults like children.

Woody Harrelson's joke about the world's biggest drug cartel was a long overdue truth bomb. As for the day of reckoning for those cartel members and enforcers, James Howard Kunstler says, it's coming.

Word on the street is that Dilbert creator Scott Adams is hopelessly racist. However, as Debra Hine explains, that could simply be a matter of people parroting PC platitudes. Adams is showing by example the price of free speech in our time.

Who is watching the watchers? Seems the Supreme Court is running interference for the nation's spy agencies by claiming that they're "too secret" to be challenged about what they're doing.

Now that the Jan 6 video has been released by Speaker Kevin McCarthy to Fox News' Tucker Carlson, the mainstream media is in hysterics. Julie Kelly lays out the reasons why the media is demanding darkness, not sunlight regarding those tapes.


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