2023 Oct 27 The Bryan Hyde Show

Times don't seem particularly financially stable, at the moment. Annie Holmquist has 4 tips to building financial stability, courtesy of Noah Webster.
As an added bonus, Annie's latest column on what to expect when you're expecting totalitarianism is a very worthwhile read.
One of my favorite indulgences is to sit down with my son and watch "Clarkson's Farm." As Paul Schwennesen explains, Clarkson's experience with badgers and evironmental laws on his farm is a lesson in bureaucracy for all us.
Considering how fixated our government and news media were over every single covid "case," it's strange that there's a veil of silence over all the excess deaths being recorded throughout the world right now.
Article of the Day:
If we're serious about the prospect of ending the U.S. government's forever wars, we must first eliminate fiat currency. J.B. Shurk spells out why the first cannot exist without the second.
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