The Bryan Hyde Show hour one 3-19-2021

The Bryan Hyde Show

Revel in Wrongthink


The video of a 60 year old woman being taken down by a police officer in a Galveston bank is pretty dramatic. Even more so when considering the cop came because she wasn't wearing a mask. Robert E. Wright has a principled take on the question: Can private businesses legally and morally force customers to wear masks?

As much as we may want to believe that the mandates will be lifting and things will start looking normal again, we have some issues to work out. Some experts are saying that mask separation anxiety is real and people may be loathe to give them up.

Words like "censorship", "hate" or "racism" can become so overused to signal someone's displeasure that they start to lose all actual meaning. Thomas L. Knapp has a handy primer on what censorship is and what it isn't. It's a reminder to insist on defining our terms when discussing such things.

If you're feeling a growing sense of uneasiness over our burgeoning cancel culture, you'll likely appreciate the latest essay from Richard M. Ebeling. He provides a marvelous breakdown of the word tyranny and cultural Balkanization that's taking place right before our eyes.


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