The Bryan Hyde Show hour two 4-13-2021

The Bryan Hyde Show

Revel in Wrongthink


Political analyst Gary Welch joins me to talk about the following topics:

  • Michigan has 250% more COVID cases than Florida and 700% more than Texas. Illinois, New York, and New Jersey are also showing significantly higher cases than Florida and Texas, yet those 2 states are being criticized and states like Michigan are being told to close down again.
  • Fauchi now saying that even vaccinated people should not be eating indoors until possibly 2022.
  • All of Florida Governor Desantis' videos on his policies regarding COVID have been removed from YouTube for "Medical Misinformation". Really?
  • BLM
  • Brooklyn Center City Manager, Curt Boganey, fired for saying that the officer in the Daunte Wright shooting should have a Due Process. Reason for firing: fear of riots.
  • Reporters questioning the Brooklyn Police Chief, Tim Gannon, for using the term "riot" to describe the violence. They actually chastise him for using the term even though he was there and they were not.
  • BLM founder and leader Patrisse Kuhn – Cullors  just bought 4 homes, one in Topanga Canyon, CA that is worth $1.4M and is in a closed neighborhood that 88% white. She is a multi-millionaire but she uses corporations to fund her. She is an avowed marxist, yet she openly shows her bourgeois tendencies over and over again.


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