The Bryan Hyde Show hour two 4-8-2021

The Bryan Hyde Show

Revel in Wrongthink


Maybe I'm a weirdo because I tend to enjoy the time I spend mowing and caring for my lawn. I'm having to rethink my stance after reading Thomas L. Knapp's interesting take on how even our lawns are now subject to government overreach.

Paul Rosenberg has a word that each of us would be wise to incorporate into our thinking. That word is "scope." This simple word makes it much easier to understand what has been stolen from us over this past year.

There's a lot of talk today about the president attempting to implement gun control measures via executive order. No matter where you stand on the issue of firearms ownership, the bigger issue is one of a branch of government seeking to exercise powers it was never given. Jacob Hornberger explains how this is not a problem limited to just Biden's presidency.

It's becoming clear that the folks in power are very concerned that the citizenry is catching on to their lust to dominate us. The speed with which they are working to consolidate their control over us is breathtaking. Judge Andrew Napolitano has some great insights on enduring the tyranny of the current political majority.

I'll be speaking in St. George, Utah this coming Saturday April 10th at the Red Lion Inn as part of the Liberty Conference sponsored by the Liberty Action Coalition.

Click here for ticket information.


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