Everything You’ve Been Told About The World Is Wrong – Jeff Berwick on The Expat Money Show


Everything You've Been Told About The World Is Wrong – Jeff Berwick on The Expat Money Show Anarchapulco 2019 (Feb 14-17, Acapulco, Mexico) Tickets available at: http://anarchapulco.com TDV Summit info & tickets: http://TDVsummit.com TDV's Free Email List: http://dollarvigilante.com/newsletter Connect with our global network through TDV Groups: https://dollarvigilante.com/vigilanteexpatnetwork/ Minds.com – My personal page: https://www.minds.com/jberwick
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DTube: https://d.tube/c/dollarvigilante Topics include: Anarcho-capitalism, Voluntarism, Libertarianism, finding freedom outside the USA, relative safety in the middle east, danger in the USA, Canada police state, freeing debt and wage slaves, taxation is theft, who will build the roads? inefficiencies of state owned enterprises, unschooling and John Taylor Gatto, 'socialization' at public school, school is prison, violence towards children, family camp at Anarchapulco, seasteading, massive growth in Liberty movement, and with Anarchapulco, the end of the war on drugs, visiting Somalia and Venezuela, lies about 'dangerous' countries

Original source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tOL6hwt8JV4

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