Take The Red Pill – Jeff Berwick on Living Outside The Matrix


Jeff Berwick is interviewed by Nigel Howitt for Lawful Rebel – Living Outside The Matrix Podcast. Topics include: the Matrix metaphor, the great scam, exiting the Matrix, government schools & medical system, money and happiness, inevitable financial collapse, cryptocurrencies, hidden inflation vs the tech boom, financial self protection, Bitcoin and it's price, mainstream liquidity crisis, what will happen to crypto in a financial collapse, the profound misunderstanding of anarcho-capitalism, state indoctrination, Keynesian vs Austrian economics, Anarchaportugal, Anarchapulco 2019 Original interview by Lawful Rebel: https://youtu.be/oVIQb3v7Db4 The Lawful Rebel website: http://www.lawfulrebel.com Economics in One Lesson free ebook: https://archive.org/details/HenryHazlittEconomicsInOneLesson The Market For Liberty: https://mises.org/library/market-liberty Anarchapulco February 14-17, 2019, Acapulco, Mexico Anarchapulco 2019 tickets now available at: http://anarchapulco.com Subscribe to The Dollar Vigilante newsletter here: https://dollarvigilante.com/takecharge Facebook: https://fb.com/DollarVigilante
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Original source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YzhDWtedwo8

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