Ep. 1760 Heterodox Leftist Opposes Lockdown and Democratic Establishment

The Tom Woods Show

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I got to know Professor Michael Crispin Miller when he wrote to tell me how much he enjoyed my remarks at the Mises Institute’s Jekyll Island conference on the lockdowns and the rest of the disastrous government response to COVID. When I found out, first, that he’d been targeted in the classroom for proposing that students consider more than one point of view on the subject of masks, and second, that he’s an interesting leftist who opposes the lizard people as much as you and I do. I knew we would have an interesting discussion — and not just about COVID — and I was right.

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Original Source: https://podtrac.com/pts/redirect.mp3/traffic.libsyn.com/secure/tomwoodsshow/woods_2020_10_22.mp3

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