Ep. 1890 Glorious: Vile Libertarians Driven From Office

The Tom Woods Show

Your daily serving of liberty education.


Some of the most vile so-called libertarians imaginable ran the Libertarian Party of Nevada for years. During 2020 they didn’t think it was worth bothering speaking about the lockdowns — why, we can’t contradict Dr. Fauci! Why, he’s an expert, and only cranks contradict the experts! And so on in that vein. But last weekend actual libertarians swept every last one of the crazies from office. Charles Melchin, the new state chair, joins us to tell the story, as well as to discuss what’s ahead for the Nevada LP. Sponsor: Merk Investments –

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Original Source: https://podtrac.com/pts/redirect.mp3/traffic.libsyn.com/secure/tomwoodsshow/woods_2021_05_06.mp3

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