Ep. 1921 Rapper Zuby on Race, Politics, and Music
Nzube Udezue, popularly known as Zuby, first came to my attention because of his excellent Twitter commentary on COVID that he’d been writing for his 420,000+ followers. Turns out he’s fascinating and great on everything. Born in England, he spent much of his youth in Saudi Arabia, and began making music while a student at Oxford. Here’s how much we had to talk about: we didn’t even get to COVID, which must be a record for the Tom Woods Show. Sponsor: Press House Coffee: Take 20% off your first order when you use promo code WOODS at
Find the show notes for this episode on tomwoods.com
Original Source: https://podtrac.com/pts/redirect.mp3/traffic.libsyn.com/secure/tomwoodsshow/woods_2021_06_19.mp3