Ep. 2271 Striking Back at Propaganda Aimed at Children
Connor Boyack discusses his efforts to strike down laws that restrict entrepreneurial activity by children (we’ve all heard of lemonade stands being shut down) and to encourage children to think and act entrepreneurially. Plus, how to build a successful counteroffensive to all the propaganda aimed at children these days. Sponsor: Omaha Steaks, where the Woods family has ordered so much delicious food over the years, is taking 55% off customer favorites right now, but as a Tom Woods Show listener you can take an additional $30 off your order (minimum order may be required) when you use code WOODS at
Find the show notes for this episode on tomwoods.com
Original Source: https://podtrac.com/pts/redirect.mp3/traffic.libsyn.com/secure/tomwoodsshow/woods_2023_01_24.mp3