Ep. 63 – Personal Tragedy to a Personal Mission – In-Depth Interview with V is for Vaccine creator Joshua Coleman

The Vaccine Conversation with Melissa and Dr. Bob
Episode 63
In part one of our two-part interview with Joshua Coleman, we discuss the personal story and tragic injury of his son Otto that ultimately brought him to the front lines of the fight for medical rights and informed consent. We delve into why Joshua is sometimes viewed as a controversial character, and where his critics continue to get it wrong about him. Finally, we discuss working on the Vaxxed tour, and how filming over 800 vaccine injury stories changed him forever. tinyurl.com/VaxConv
Original Source: http://thevaccineconversation.libsyn.com/ep-63-personal-tragedy-to-a-personal-mission-in-depth-interview-with-v-is-for-vaccine-creator-joshua-coleman
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