Ep. 89 – Saving Humanity From Aluminum: An In-Depth Interview With Dr. Christopher Exley

The Vaccine Conversation with Melissa and Dr. Bob
Episode 89
We delve into one of the most shocking dilemmas in the vaccine debate: How can a metal that is unquestionably toxic to the human brain be used without safety studies or regulation? Who is behind this push, and why are governments ignoring the science that shows a link to brain injury, Alzheimer’s, and other chronic conditions? We learn about the work of the world’s leading expert on this toxic metal and discover why there really is no such thing as a safe amount of injected aluminum. bit.ly/vaxconv
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Original Source: https://anchor.fm/thevaccineconversation/episodes/Ep–89—Saving-Humanity-From-Aluminum-An-In-Depth-Interview-With-Dr–Christopher-Exley-ealoqa
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