34,337 Deaths 3,120,439 Injuries Following COVID Shots in European Database as UK Public Data Show 35 Deaths 213 Hospitalizations Among Booster Triple Vaccinated

by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

The European (EEA and non-EEA countries) database of suspected drug reaction reports is EudraVigilance, verified by the European Medicines Agency (EMA), and they are now reporting 32,649 fatalities, and 3,003,296 injuries following injections of four experimental COVID-19 shots:

From the total of injuries recorded, almost half of them (1,470,537) are serious injuries.

Seriousness provides information on the suspected undesirable effect; it can be classified as ‘serious’ if it corresponds to a medical occurrence that results in death, is life-threatening, requires inpatient hospitalisation, results in another medically important condition, or prolongation of existing hospitalisation, results in persistent or significant disability or incapacity, or is a congenital anomaly/birth defect.”

Health Impact News subscriber in Europe ran the reports for each of the four COVID-19 shots we are including here. It is a lot of work to tabulate each reaction with injuries and fatalities, since there is no place on the EudraVigilance system we have found that tabulates all the results.

Since we have started publishing this, others from Europe have also calculated the numbers and confirmed the totals.*

Here is the summary data through December 18, 2021.

Total reactions for the mRNA vaccine Tozinameran (code BNT162b2,Comirnaty) from BioNTechPfizer: 15,788 deathand 1,476,269 injuries to 18/12/2021

  • 40,271   Blood and lymphatic system disorders incl. 226 deaths
  • 47,256   Cardiac disorders incl. 2,310 deaths
  • 433        Congenital, familial and genetic disorders incl. 41 deaths
  • 19,912   Ear and labyrinth disorders incl. 11 deaths
  • 1,504     Endocrine disorders incl. 5 deaths
  • 22,804   Eye disorders incl. 35 deaths
  • 120,263 Gastrointestinal disorders incl. 637 deaths
  • 370,545 General disorders and administration site conditions incl. 4,452 deaths
  • 1,691     Hepatobiliary disorders incl. 82 deaths
  • 16,314   Immune system disorders incl. 84 deaths
  • 61,494   Infections and infestations incl. 1,649 deaths
  • 25,540   Injury, poisoning and procedural complications incl. 279 deaths
  • 36,772   Investigations incl. 476 deaths
  • 10,065   Metabolism and nutrition disorders incl. 264 deaths
  • 179,558 Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders incl. 196 deaths
  • 1,362     Neoplasms benign, malignant and unspecified (incl cysts and polyps) incl. 128 deaths
  • 246,596 Nervous system disorders incl. 1,694 deaths
  • 2,127     Pregnancy, puerperium and perinatal conditions incl. 64 deaths
  • 223        Product issues incl. 3 deaths
  • 26,890   Psychiatric disorders incl. 191 deaths
  • 5,314     Renal and urinary disorders incl. 249 deaths
  • 55,551   Reproductive system and breast disorders incl. 5 deaths
  • 63,512   Respiratory, thoracic and mediastinal disorders incl. 1,742 deaths
  • 68,837   Skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders incl. 134 deaths
  • 3,257     Social circumstances incl. 21 deaths
  • 10,192   Surgical and medical procedures incl. 122 deaths
  • 37,986   Vascular disorders incl. 688 deaths

Total reactions for the mRNA vaccine mRNA-1273 (CX-024414) from Moderna: 9,612 deathand 431,805 injuries to 18/12/2021

  • 9,176     Blood and lymphatic system disorders incl. 106 deaths
  • 14,538   Cardiac disorders incl. 1,000 deaths
  • 174        Congenital, familial and genetic disorders incl. 8 deaths
  • 5,244     Ear and labyrinth disorders incl. 4 deaths
  • 409        Endocrine disorders incl. 4 deaths
  • 6,337     Eye disorders incl. 33 deaths
  • 35,162   Gastrointestinal disorders incl. 359 deaths
  • 114,485 General disorders and administration site conditions incl. 3,239 deaths
  • 693        Hepatobiliary disorders incl. 47 deaths
  • 4,314     Immune system disorders incl. 17 deaths
  • 16,686   Infections and infestations incl. 907 deaths
  • 8,851     Injury, poisoning and procedural complications incl. 180 deaths
  • 8,917     Investigations incl. 263 deaths
  • 4,138     Metabolism and nutrition disorders incl. 231 deaths
  • 51,645   Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders incl. 193 deaths
  • 595        Neoplasms benign, malignant and unspecified (incl cysts and polyps) incl. 76 deaths
  • 72,360   Nervous system disorders incl. 919 deaths
  • 785        Pregnancy, puerperium and perinatal conditions incl. 6 deaths
  • 91           Product issues incl. 4 deaths
  • 7,887     Psychiatric disorders incl. 158 deaths
  • 2,553     Renal and urinary disorders incl. 183 deaths
  • 9,972     Reproductive system and breast disorders incl. 8 deaths
  • 19,269   Respiratory, thoracic and mediastinal disorders incl. 1,032 deaths
  • 23,101   Skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders incl. 84 deaths
  • 1,956     Social circumstances incl. 40 deaths
  • 1,946     Surgical and medical procedures incl. 150 deaths
  • 10,521   Vascular disorders incl. 361 deaths

Total reactions for the vaccine AZD1222/VAXZEVRIA (CHADOX1 NCOV-19) from Oxford/ AstraZeneca6,862 deathand 1,103,016 injuries to 18/12/2021

  • 13,469   Blood and lymphatic system disorders incl. 255 deaths
  • 19,919   Cardiac disorders incl. 753 deaths
  • 208        Congenital familial and genetic disorders incl. 7 deaths
  • 13,018   Ear and labyrinth disorders incl. 5 deaths
  • 642        Endocrine disorders incl. 4 deaths
  • 19,414   Eye disorders incl. 30 deaths
  • 104,504 Gastrointestinal disorders incl. 370 deaths
  • 289,568 General disorders and administration site conditions incl. 1,614 deaths
  • 985        Hepatobiliary disorders incl. 63 deaths
  • 5,105     Immune system disorders incl. 31 deaths
  • 34,377   Infections and infestations incl. 471 deaths
  • 12,816   Injury poisoning and procedural complications incl. 184 deaths
  • 24,316   Investigations incl. 178 deaths
  • 12,629   Metabolism and nutrition disorders incl. 101 deaths
  • 163,096 Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders incl. 125 deaths
  • 684        Neoplasms benign malignant and unspecified (incl cysts and polyps) incl. 29 deaths
  • 226,199 Nervous system disorders incl. 1,047 deaths
  • 558        Pregnancy puerperium and perinatal conditions incl. 17 deaths
  • 193        Product issues incl. 1 death
  • 20,437   Psychiatric disorders incl. 62 deaths
  • 4,164     Renal and urinary disorders incl. 66 deaths
  • 15,992   Reproductive system and breast disorders incl. 2 deaths
  • 39,444   Respiratory thoracic and mediastinal disorders incl. 880 deaths
  • 50,458   Skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders incl. 54 deaths
  • 1,563     Social circumstances incl. 6 deaths
  • 1,611     Surgical and medical procedures incl. 29 deaths
  • 27,647   Vascular disorders incl. 478 deaths

Total reactions for the COVID-19 vaccine JANSSEN (AD26.COV2.S) from Johnson & Johnson2,075 deaths and 109,349 injuries to 18/12/2021

  • 1,068     Blood and lymphatic system disorders incl. 44 deaths
  • 2,052     Cardiac disorders incl. 173 deaths
  • 41           Congenital, familial and genetic disorders incl. 1 death
  • 1,146     Ear and labyrinth disorders incl. 2 deaths
  • 87           Endocrine disorders incl. 1 deaths
  • 1,475     Eye disorders incl. 7 deaths
  • 8,932     Gastrointestinal disorders incl. 84 deaths
  • 28,855   General disorders and administration site conditions incl. 559 deaths
  • 138        Hepatobiliary disorders incl. 13 deaths
  • 489        Immune system disorders incl. 10 deaths
  • 5,092     Infections and infestations incl. 165 deaths
  • 1,011     Injury, poisoning and procedural complications incl. 21 deaths
  • 5,043     Investigations incl. 115 deaths
  • 687        Metabolism and nutrition disorders incl. 51 deaths
  • 15,638   Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders incl. 47 deaths
  • 68           Neoplasms benign, malignant and unspecified (incl cysts and polyps) incl. 6 deaths
  • 21,175   Nervous system disorders incl. 224 deaths
  • 46           Pregnancy, puerperium and perinatal conditions incl. 1 death
  • 29           Product issues
  • 1,551     Psychiatric disorders incl. 20 deaths
  • 462        Renal and urinary disorders incl. 27 deaths
  • 2,485     Reproductive system and breast disorders incl. 6 deaths
  • 3,937     Respiratory, thoracic and mediastinal disorders incl. 268 deaths
  • 3,370     Skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders incl. 9 deaths
  • 358        Social circumstances incl. 4 deaths
  • 745        Surgical and medical procedures incl. 61 deaths
  • 3,369     Vascular disorders incl. 156 deaths

*These totals are estimates based on reports submitted to EudraVigilance. Totals may be much higher based on percentage of adverse reactions that are reported. Some of these reports may also be reported to the individual country’s adverse reaction databases, such as the U.S. VAERS database and the UK Yellow Card system. The fatalities are grouped by symptoms, and some fatalities may have resulted from multiple symptoms.

Meanwhile, The Exposé is reporting that public health data in the UK shows that the vast majority of deaths and hospitalizations in the UK are among those vaccinated, and now there are 35 deaths and 213 hospitalizations being reported among those who have received booster shots and are triple-vaccinated.

BREAKING – Latest Public Health Data confirms Triple Vaccinated are still being hospitalised and dying due to Covid-19

by The Exposé


The latest data available from Public Health Scotland proves that the triple vaccinated are still catching Covid-19, being hospitalised with Covid-19, and dying due to Covid-19, despite claims the booster dose gives the recipient “ultimate” protection.

Public Health Scotland publish a weekly Covid-19 Statistical Report which contains data on Covid-19 cases, hospitalisations, and deaths by vaccination status, and the latest report was published Wednesday 22nd December.

Table 13 of the latest report shows the number of cases by vaccination status between 20th November and 17th December and proves that the majority of Covid-19 cases are among the vaccinated population, with thousands of cases being confirmed among those who have had their “booster”.

The report confirms that between 20 Nov and 17 Dec there were 31,946 cases among the not-vaccinated population, 7,779 cases among the partly vaccinated population, 51,102 cases among the double vaccinated population, and 6,945 cases among the triple / booster vaccinated population.

The report confirms that between 20 Nov and 17 Dec there were 381 hospitalisations among the not-vaccinated population, 70 hospitalisations among the partly vaccinated population, 740 hospitalisations among the double vaccinated population, and 213 hospitalisations among the triple / booster vaccinated population.

The report confirms that between 13 Nov and 10 Dec there were 63 deaths among the not-vaccinated population, 13 deaths among the partly vaccinated population, 251 deaths among the double vaccinated population, and 35 deaths among the triple / booster vaccinated population.

This means the unvaccinated population accounted for just 17% of deaths between 13 Nov and 10 Dec, whilst the vaccinated population accounted for 83%.

Read the full article at The Exposé.

Here are a few examples of stories of victims who sacrificed themselves to the Vaccine Cult and have now had their lives terminated or ruined.

Tiffany Daly: 28-Year-Old Becomes Paralyzed Shortly After Receiving Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine

by The COVID World

A young woman’s life has potentially changed forever after she received her first dose of the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine. Tiffany Daly, 28, suddenly lost feeling in her legs and collapsed on July 22nd.

She spent more than a week in hospital undergoing numerous brain scans and MRIs where a neurologist finally diagnosed her with transverse myelitis.

Tiffany, who had never heard of the condition before, explained:

It’s inflammation that is in your spine. Most people have it from their neck to all the way to their toes, which I’m very blessed to have it just from my waist to my toes.”

Transverse myelitis causes pain, muscle weakness, paralysis, sensory problems, or bladder and bowel dysfunction. There are many causes, including infections and immune-system disorders like multiple sclerosis.

However, Tiffany said that she was completely healthy before the incident and was shocked when the doctor told that her sudden injury was likely caused by her first injection of the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine, which she received just weeks before her legs went numb.

“I was just confused because I was paralyzed and I was scared, you know? And that’s like the last thing I kind of wanted to hear: I was paralyzed by the Moderna vaccine.”

The 28-year-old, who does not have health insurance, hadn’t been working at her job long enough to qualify for full-time benefits. After she became ill, she moved into her mom’s Oceanside home in a retirement community, where her mom is now her full-time caretaker.

Tiffany and her mother, Cathy, reported her case to the CDC and submitted it to the VAERS database. They also filed reports with Moderna, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, and the Department of Health and Human Services. In all cases, Tiffany said, they received a generic reply and were assigned a case number.

“You know, I live on very little Social Security. They basically just said, ‘Do what you got to do.’ There was no, ‘Go here for help, go there for help.’ There was nothing.”

Tiffany, who doesn’t want to be a financial burden on her mother, said she’s been denied disability benefits. Legal action against the drugmaker is not an option.

Read the full story and watch the NBC San Diego video at The COVID World.

Albert Owusu Sarpong: 20-Year-Old Student Dies 2 Days After Receiving COVID-19 Vaccine

by The COVID World

A student of the University of Ghana has died just two days after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine. Albert Owusu Sarpong, 20, developed multiple health issues after receiving the jab on December 13th.

Joshua Wonder, a roommate of Sarpong, revealed the saddening news in a video that went viral overnight.

According to his friend, Sarpong started feeling unwell and experienced nausea, dizziness, and vomiting hours after having the jab.

“I honestly don’t know what’s going on right now. I don’t know what’s happening.

I just received news that one of my roommates from University has died this morning. And he took the vaccine, like, two days ago. He literally took the vaccine two days ago.

He was completely healthy before he took the vaccine. So how is it that he just died this morning? I honestly don’t get it. So could it be that the vaccine killed him?”

The death of Sarpong is creating thousands of reactions on social media under the hashtag #JusticeForAlbert, with many Ghanaians demanding a full-scale investigation into the sudden death of the 20-year-old Political Science student.

Read the full story at The COVID World.

Tanya Smith: Mother-Of-Three Died From Blood Clots After Receiving AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine

by The COVID World

A mother-of-three died from multiple blood clots less than two weeks after having received the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine, an inquest has found. Tanya Smith, 43, was rushed to hospital after waking with stomach cramps days after her jab.

Tanya received her jab on March 21st this year at the Plymouth Argyle vaccination clinic. She was admitted shortly after to Plymouth’s Derriford Hospital where it was found that she had developed multiple blood clots. The mother-of-three suffered a heart attack and then deteriorated before dying in hospital on April 3rd.

Her partner, Kenneth Edwards, said after her death:

“She was just amazing, selfless. She was a childminder, a really good childminder for 19 years. She leaves three children behind, two grown-up children and a 12-year-old little girl with disabilities.

She loved her family, she was really family orientated and she’d go above and beyond.

We’re all pretty lost without her. I’ve never experienced anything like this.”

At Smith’s inquest yesterday, senior coroner Ian Arrow said the blood clots were a “very rare complication” of the AstraZeneca vaccine. Arrow said:

“It appears to me some days after [her vaccination] she then developed a number of thromboses throughout her system. In other words, a number of blood clots.

I’m satisfied those blood clots have led to her death. On the balance of probability, this is a very rare complication of this particular kind of treatment.”

Her husband Kenneth believes she would not have died if she hadn’t had the AstraZeneca vaccine.

“She obviously had a reaction from the jab. She’d never suffered from blood clots. She was healthy before she had that jab.”

Read the full story at The COVID World.

Maxwell Harrison: Ballroom Dancer Develops Pericarditis After Receiving Pfizer Vaccine, Unable To Dance For At Least A Year

by The COVID World

A British ballroom dancer has developed pericarditis (inflammation of the sac surrounding the heart muscle) shortly after receiving his second dose of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine. Maxwell Harrison, 21, suffered chest pains and breathing difficulties five days after the shot and was hospitalized.

Harrison was told by top cardiologists in the country that his heart condition was a result of the Pfizer vaccination.

His ballroom dancing career is now on hold for at least the next 8-12 months assuming he fully recovers from his vaccine injury.

Harrison joined British channel GBNews tonight where he said.

“I’ve got stress tests coming up. I’ve got an MRI tomorrow to determine how bad the pericarditis is.

Being a dancer, I can’t dance anymore, completely off any physical exercise. And they reckon that’s going to be between eight to twelve months to properly and deal with this issue.”

Just a few months ago, Harrison was competing at the World Dance Council Amateur Dance Championships with his dance partner Katie. The couple made it to the finals of the competition and ended up in the 5th spot. The achievement made them one of the best amateur ballroom dancers in the world.

The couple called it “undoubtedly the single greatest achievement in our lives”.

It is unsure if they will ever be able to compete again in high-level ballroom dancing.

Read the full article at The COVID World.

Comment on this article at HealthImpactNews.com.

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See the Full List of Tragic Deaths and Injuries Here!



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Leaving a lucrative career as a nephrologist (kidney doctor), Dr. Suzanne Humphries is now free to actually help cure people.

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The post 34,337 Deaths 3,120,439 Injuries Following COVID Shots in European Database as UK Public Data Show 35 Deaths 213 Hospitalizations Among Booster Triple Vaccinated first appeared on Vaccine Impact.

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