Australia Military Starts Going Door to Door to Hunt Down Unvaccinated Aboriginals to Force Inject Them as Quarantine Camps Also Open

by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

Many parts of Australia have become totalitarian police states with martial law, as the government has now targeted Aboriginals who have a low COVID-19 vaccination rate by going door-to-door in their communities to forcibly inject them.

Leaders in these communities have called upon the nations of the world to take action to stop this genocide.

Here is our video report from our Bitchute channel.

In addition, quarantine camps have now opened in some areas, and The COVID World today published an exclusive report from someone inside one of these camps.

EXCLUSIVE: Disturbing Details Emerge From Inside Australian Quarantine Camps

by The COVID World

Details about life inside the Australian quarantine camps are beginning to leak out through the internet. Although the information cannot be directly verified, due to the importance of this issue, TheCOVIDWorld has decided to report on this story, since the Australian government is unlikely to release such information themselves.

An anonymous poster has detailed their experiences in an Australian quarantine camp. The poster claims he was confined after flying into Australia from Singapore.

Despite being vaccinated and having taken 3 negative tests on his trip, one within 24 hours that were all negative, he was forced to attend the camp.

In the post, the writer says that he was forced onto a bus with blacked-out windows by armed guards for a two-hour ride to the quarantine camp. Inmates are allegedly forced to take the vaccine, but also tested regularly and watched by cameras and armed guards. Detainees are charged $2500 for their two-week involuntary stay.

Although the inmates have internet, which is presumably monitored, GPS is blocked, making them unable to determine exactly where they are. However, other posters suggested that he was imprisoned at the Howard Springs ‘National Resilience Center’.

Page from information booklet given to inmates

“They asked me about if I was vaccinated, I declined to answer, they threatened me and told me to come with them and called for backup, I was questioned, told to follow them and I boarded a bus with others and we had to sit rows apart and we were brought here. Windows were blacked out.”

“I don’t know how long I can post here but I came to let you know it is worse than you know.”

“There is a girl or there was one here who fought a guard and we haven’t seen here for six days.”

Another anonymous poster claimed he was next door to a 77-year-old man who had recently drunk himself to death after being repatriated. He further claimed that detainees could only leave their rooms once every 3 days to do laundry, that there were armed police ‘everywhere’, and that you would be yelled at if you stopped or walked too slow.

The poster does however report that the food is ‘pretty good’ and dropped off to inmates once a day at 6 pm. They get one hot and two cold meals.

The anonymous poster claimed he did not have the $2,500 to pay for his ‘stay’, and wondered what would happen if he didn’t pay. He also said he would comply with whatever the guards ordered ‘within reason’.

The Howard Springs facility has been in the news recently due to the decision of the Northern Territory government to begin forcibly shipping 38 aboriginal people from Binjari to the camp. The facility has the capacity to house 3,000 people; 2000 international and 1000 domestic travelers. It is unknown how many people are currently detained at the camp.

Read the full article at The COVID World.

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