Canadian Government is Getting Desperate as Ontario Premier Doug Ford Declares State of Emergency over Trucker Blockades

Ontario Premier Doug Ford. Image courtesy of Rebel News.

by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

Major border entries from Canada to the U.S. remain closed today, Friday, February 11th, as the Canadian Government appears to be reaching a point of desperation in their efforts to shut down the Canadian Trucker Freedom Convoy, as today Ontario Premier Doug Ford declared a state of emergency in Ontario, with yet more threats made against the protesters who seem to have become immune to the government’s scare tactics.

Announcing the stiffest penalties yet, Doug Ford has threatened the protesters with fines up to $100,000 and a year in prison if they don’t stop the blockades.

Canadians, however, seem unfazed, fully understanding that they are indeed in control, and that the government does not have the resources to tow away their trucks nor arrest them all.

Dakota Christensen of Rebel News reports:

Ontario Premier Doug Ford has declared a state of emergency in the province as the truckers’ freedom convoy protests continue, both in Ottawa and at various points along the Canada/U.S. border.

Ford made the announcement during a press conference Friday, stating that he will convene cabinet and “use legal authorities to urgently enact orders” that will protect international border crossings as well as the 400-series highways, airports, bridges, ports and railways in the province.

The premier called the protests in Ottawa an illegal “siege” and an “occupation” and promised swift action to end all blockades, particularly those blocking the flow of goods across the border.

Fines for non-compliances “will be severe” Ford said, with a maximum penalty of $100,000 and up to one year imprisonment. (Full article.)

It would appear that the Canadian government is running out of options, except for one: meet the demands of the protesters and end all COVID restrictions.

The corporate media continues to try to control the narrative and portray the protesters in Canada as “domestic terrorists” and a small minority, but after controlling the COVID narrative for 2 years now, they seem to be losing control.

I have compiled a video that contrasts what the corporate media is saying, compared to what actual protesters on the ground are saying, in less than 10 minutes.

This is on our Bitchute channel, and also our Telegram channel. You decide which side is closer to the truth.

Will the Protests Spread to the U.S.?

There are rumors that trucker convoys and protests will spread to the U.S.

Here is my advice to truckers and would-be protesters in the U.S.: Forget Washington D.C.!

Nobody of national significance lives there, only the puppet politicians who serve their handlers who are the Globalist Wall Street Billionaires and Bankers.

If you want to send a message to the Globalists who actually run this country, start by shutting down their annual orgy called “The Super Bowl.”

While professional football in the U.S. reaches fans from all walks of life, the people that actually go to the annual Super Bowl are the Globalists themselves, as even the least expensive tickets start in the thousands of dollars.

The Super Bowl is known for being a magnet each year to bring in young girls who are sexually trafficked and supplied to these Globalist fat cats who will be descending upon LA to party.

Shutting down the Super Bowl this year would send a huge message to the REAL people who run this country, and then after the Super Bowl date is passed, take your convoys to New York City, NOT Washington D.C., and shut down Wall Street instead.

If protesters shut down the New York Stock Exchange, I guarantee that you will get their attention.

But if you simply shut down Washington D.C., it will just be business as usual for them.

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