German Health Insurance Claims Show 31,254 Deaths Following COVID-19 Vaccines While Official Government Stats Report Only 2,255

by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

The entire COVID-19 vaccine narrative continues to come apart at the seams as yet another media report was published today in Germany stating that a large German health insurance company analyzed data from 10.9 million insured individuals regarding injuries and fatalities following COVID-19 vaccines during the first half of 2021 and into the 3rd quarter which showed significantly higher numbers than what the German government has reported.

This follows news reports out of the U.S. this past weekend where it was revealed that the CDC, FDA, and NIH contained data about significant COVID-19 vaccine injuries and deaths that were not being reported to the public. See:

68,000% Increase in Strokes as FDA and NIH Secretly Study Reports of Neurological Injuries After COVID-19 Vaccines

CDC Withholding Data on COVID-19 Vaccines Because “They might be misinterpreted as the vaccines being ineffective” and “The figures would be misrepresented by anti-vaccine groups”

Andreas Schöfbeck of German health insurance company BKK Provita was interviewed by the German newspaper Welt, and stated (translated from German):

According to our calculations, we consider 400,000 visits to the doctor by our policyholders because of vaccination complications to be realistic to this day.

Extrapolated to the total population, this value would be 3 million.

The numbers that resulted from our analysis are very far away from the publicly announced numbers. It would be unethical not to talk about it.

While the original article at Welt is in German and apparently behind a paywall, it was reported on a German blog here, and then translated to English with commentary on a Substack column called “bad cattitude.” also covered it on their Twitter account, where they translated a letter sent by Andreas Schöfbeck, the German health insurance BKK board member, to the Paul-Ehrlich Institute, an agency of the German Federal Ministry of Health.

Here are some excerpts from bad cattitude on Substack.

(google translate)

Search for traces in the medical records of the BKK

The following approach is simple and follows a simple logic: Doctors are unlikely to report under the conditions described. However, it is even less likely that they will not bill for treatments. People with health problems after vaccination will sooner or later see a doctor with their complaints. He will look at things, come to a diagnosis and, of course, bill the patient for the appointment.

Diagnoses are classified and coded according to the international standard ICD10. There is a corresponding alphanumeric code for each diagnosis, including vaccination complications. Relevant are T88.0 (infection after vaccination – shingles is currently very popular), T88.1 (other complications after vaccination), Y59.9 (undesirable side effect when using vaccines) and, brand new since 2021, U12.9 (undesirable side effect when using Covid-19 vaccines).

The BKK (company health insurance fund, BKK umbrella organization), one of the largest statutory health insurance companies in Germany, has now evaluated the first two and a half quarters of 2021 to determine how often the aforementioned ICD code for vaccination complications was billed. Let’s take a closer look at the result below.

Spoilers: the numbers are not for the faint of heart.

According to the official figures from the PEI, where do we stand now? As of the last safety report, there have been 244,576 suspicious activity reports since the start of the vaccination campaign (14 months) – nationwide, which includes a population of 82 million people.

this seems a sensible approach.

doctors many avoid filing vaccine adverse events reports with agencies. it’s extra work and they are under pressure not to. BUT they are going to bill for treatment. because doctors always bill for treatment.

and now here is where it starts to get scary:

In the first 2 ½ quarters of 2021 (7.5 months) alone, the BKK accounted for 224,360 vaccination complications – with almost 11 million members:

and this is the big conclusion:

Based on these figures, one can now calculate the incidence of vaccination complications for both populations. Then there are 0.29% according to the PEI and 2.05% according to the billing system:

it shows that in the first half of 2021 the rate accounted for by the insurer is 7X higher than the PEI (german VAERS) for the whole year.




now, let’s once more be clear, these are estimates and extrapolations but they seem reasonably arrived at.

and if they are true or even close to true, they are STAGGERING. germany had ~79k “covid deaths” in 2021 (and we know how over-inclusive that counting can be.) how many were “vaccine deaths”? or were these in addition?

and this foots with other data. vaccines really took off in germany in about april 2021. (this is another reason to wonder if the rate will rise further in H2 when we get insurance data)

and shortly thereafter, excess all cause mortality vs 2020 jumped from negative levels (blue) to positive (orange) and stayed that way for most of the year.

that is very much the opposite of what one would expect if vaccines were working, especially given higher rates of natural immunity and depletion of vulnerable cohorts.

and if this is not quite a smoking gun, it certainly does look like an awful lot of smoke in the known vicinity of a firearm to simply ignore.

For the 11 million BKK insured persons, the following figures result in a year-on-year comparison (entire year 2020, two and a half quarters of 2021) for all “vaccination complications” accounting figures:

and VAERS has shown the same.

all in all, this is a pretty massive canary to see drop dead in your coal mine and warrants immediate and serious work.

if this is anything like what it looks like (and once more, let’s be clear, we need to validate this but we’re seeing an awful lot of consonance from independent data), this is going to be one of the great scandals in human history. it will make thalidomide look like forgetting your house keys.

Read the full article on Substack.

Former Blackrock Manager Discusses Surge in Life Insurance Death Payouts after COVID Vaccines

Edward Dowd is a former Portfolio Manager for Blackrock where he managed a 14 billion dollar portfolio.

He was recently interviewed by Kristi Leigh and in this interview he discusses the surge of death payouts recorded in the Life Insurance industry in the 4th quarter of 2021.

While Life Insurance companies suffered in 2021, the year the COVID-19 vaccines were rolled out, funeral businesses saw a surge in sales.

We extracted a clip from the entire interview where he discusses the Life Insurance financial reports, and this is on our Odysee Channel as well as our Bitchute Channel. You can also download it from our Telegram channel.

Watch the entire interview here.

Here is what Dowd said today about the German news story:

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See the Full List of Tragic Deaths and Injuries Here!



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Leaving a lucrative career as a nephrologist (kidney doctor), Dr. Suzanne Humphries is now free to actually help cure people.

In this autobiography she explains why good doctors are constrained within the current corrupt medical system from practicing real, ethical medicine.

One of the sane voices when it comes to examining the science behind modern-day vaccines, no pro-vaccine extremist doctors have ever dared to debate her in public.


Book – The Vaccine Court, by Wayne Rohde – 240 pages

“The Dark Truth of America’s Vaccine Injury Compensation Program”

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