Germany to Burn 800 Million Expired COVID Face Masks

Comment by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

One of the things we published back in July of 2020 was how many instant millionaires were being made selling cheap, Chinese-made face masks to the U.S. Government because of the COVID fear and mask mandates. See:

Booming Face Mask Business in U.S. Creating Instant Millionaires Using Government Funds to Buy Masks from China

Apparently the same thing happened in Germany, and now they reportedly have 800 million face masks that are beyond their expiration date that need to be disposed of.

Berlin to incinerate 800 million expired Corona masks

Four German federal states have burned a total of over 17 million expired Corona masks. They were bought with taxpayer money. The government wants to burn 800 million masks in total.

by Free West Media

BERLIN This is according to a survey of all the states published by German daily Welt. Thus, 6,1 million masks were destroyed in Baden-Württemberg, 5,5 million in Saxony, five million in North Rhine-Westphalia and 656 000 in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania.

Eleven federal states reported that they had not disposed of any Corona masks so far, but some were planning to do so.

Thuringia could not provide any information on the type of recycling. The Federal Ministry of Health in Berlin has also “energetically recycled” masks in recent months. The number of masks recycled so far is “less than one million”, a spokesperson said.

Several state ministries want to have more masks destroyed in the future. So far, however, they can only burn masks that they have purchased themselves. For masks purchased by the federal government and distributed to the states, they need the consent of the federal government.

According to a report by Der Spiegel, around 730 million surgical masks and 60 million FFP2 or similar half masks are affected because they are past their expiry date.

Read the full article at Free West Media.

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The post Germany to Burn 800 Million Expired COVID Face Masks first appeared on Vaccine Impact.

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