Occupy Ottawa Day 2: “We’re Just Getting Started”

by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

The Trucker Freedom Convoy to Ottawa Canada entered its second day today, with no signs that things were slowing down. As I have periodically checked in to live streaming throughout the day, I have heard people on the ground in Ottawa state things like: “They think we’re all going home now, but we’re just getting started!”

There was a stage setup in downtown Ottawa this morning where local pastors and others took turns addressing the crowds.

The protests have been remarkably peaceful, so far, given the size of the crowds which even the corporate media admits is in the “thousands” but is probably in the tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands. Some people on the ground are estimating up to 2 million.

And yet, the corporate media continues to characterize the protesters as “radicals” and “domestic terrorists” even suggesting that “Russian actors” are probably fueling the protests.

Justin Trudeau and his family have allegedly been removed from their home due to “security concerns.” (Source.)

In some positive news, Scott Moe, the Premier of Saskatchewan, a Canadian province that borders the US, called for an end to vaccine mandates for the truckers.

What’s Next?

The trucker convoy has received widespread support and their supporters have raised millions of dollars to support them to cover the cost of fuel and food, making this appear to be more than just a weekend event. Their success this weekend has spurred on plans for other trucker convoys in the U.S. and around the world.

What will happen next? That is the big question facing Canadians, and those around the world as they watch what is happening in Ottawa. People are scheduled to return to work tomorrow, Monday morning, including members of Parliament.

Meanwhile, there won’t be many trucks crossing the border between Canada and the U.S., which is sure to exacerbate already stressed supply chain problems.

If this drags on into the week, the Canadian government is sure to take action. But just what that action will be, and whether or not members of the military and RCMP will obey their tyrannical leaders if they ask them to turn on their fellow citizens, is yet to be seen.

Here is the live stream from RedPilling The Masses which seems to be one the best, but if this goes on longer, expect YouTube to start blocking these. I expect I will be updating this story every day while this continues, and if breaking news happens, I will update whatever that day’s article was until a new article is published the next day.

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