Pfizer Director Caught on Camera Admitting Pfizer Controls the U.S. Government

by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

Project Veritas released a new video yesterday where one of their undercover reporters recorded a conversation with Jordon Trishton Walker, an alleged “Pfizer Director of Research and Development, Strategic Operations – mRNA Scientific Planner.”

Everyone in the Alternative Media who has covered this, at least the articles I have seen, have concentrated on Walker’s statements regarding how Pfizer is experimenting with the idea of “Directed Evolution,” which Project Veritas and others claim is the same thing as “gain of function.”

I almost was not even going to cover this video, because for one thing, I do not approve of Project Veritas’s use of lies and deception to trap someone. Walker clearly asks the “reporter” to promise him not to tell anyone this, and you can clearly see in the video that the interviewer gives him a fist bump in an affirmative reply.

Secondly, as hard as this interviewer tried to get Walker to admit that Pfizer was already working on a method to make variants of the COVID virus more virulent, Walker repeatedly stated that this was just an idea that had been discussed, and that they had no idea whether or not it would work.

Perhaps that is why Project Veritas felt the need to bring in one of the new Superstar Pro-Vaccine doctors to give his opinion about how bad this was.

In the end, I did decide to give this interview some exposure on our network, not because of the claims that Pfizer could develop a lab version of a new deadly COVID virus variant, but because Walker admitted that Pfizer controls the U.S. Government health agencies that approve their drugs, and that this is “bad” for the American public, but good for business for the pharmaceutical companies.

We all already knew this was true, of course, but to get someone within Pfizer to admit this was true, is really quite damaging, and could potentially be used in a court of law if one could find an honest judge somewhere that would have the courage to rule against the criminal activities of Pfizer.

Here is a clip of the video with the main interview, minus the talking head pro-vaccine doctor’s comments.

This is on our Bitchute channel.

Note: I realize that there are some out there claiming that Project Veritas was setup, and that this Pfizer executive is not real, and does not work for Pfizer.

Here is a rebuttal to that view:

Who is “Jordon Trishton Walker”?

Comment on this article at

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The post Pfizer Director Caught on Camera Admitting Pfizer Controls the U.S. Government first appeared on Vaccine Impact.

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