United States Guilty of Terrorism by Blowing up Nord Stream Pipeline

by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

85-year-old journalist Seymour Hersh, who used to write for the New York Times and is referred to by some as “the greatest journalist of our time”, and now publishes on Substack, just published what many are claiming is the “news story of the century.”

How America Took Out The Nord Stream Pipeline

Seymour Hersh gained recognition in 1969 for exposing the My Lai Massacre and its cover-up during the Vietnam War, for which he received the 1970 Pulitzer Prize for International Reporting.

Hersh has conclusively shown how the U.S. Government was responsible for blowing up the Nord Stream pipeline from Russia in a deliberate act of terrorism.

The corporate media has mostly tried to discredit Hersh by not treating this as a major story, with the exception of Tucker Carlson on Fox News, who of course blamed everything on Joe Biden and his Democratic administration.

But here is Clayton and Natali Morris’s coverage of this yesterday on Redacted News, where they pull video footage of many Republican members of Congress also calling for the closing down of the Russian Nord Stream pipeline, including U.S. Republican Senator Ted Cruz from Texas, home of some of the largest Big Oil companies in the world who benefited from Germany’s loss of cheap Russian gas in 2022.

We reported last year how leaked documents from the military think tank RAND Corporation in January of 2022, before Russia started the conflict in Ukraine, advised that a conflict in Ukraine would serve the purpose of cutting off Germany’s source of cheap energy from Russia, forcing them to purchase more energy from the U.S.

SMOKING GUN! Alleged RAND Corporation Leaked Document Written BEFORE Ukraine War Shows U.S. Planned the European Energy Crisis and Economic Collapse to Save the U.S. Economy

And that is exactly what happened.

So while this was a bipartisan action to destroy the Nord Stream pipeline from Russia and the greatest ecological disaster of all time, the true criminals are the Globalists who put these politicians into power, and reaped their greatest year of financial profit in American history last year.

Exxon Reports Record Profit Of $59 Billion In 2022; Earns $7 Million Every Hour

by ZeroHedge News

Several days after blowout earnings by its biggest competitor Chevron, this morning US E&P giant Exxon Mobil posted blowout Q4 and full year numbers, when it reported $59 billion in adjusted profit for 2022, taking home more than $6.7 million per hour last year, and setting not only a company record but a historic high for the Western oil industry. 

That’s right: Exxon’s full-year profit, excluding one-time items, jumped 157% from 2021 to $59.1 billion, far exceeding the driller’s prior record of $45.2 billion in 2008 when oil hit $142 per barrel, 30% above last year’s average price, and which at the time marked the biggest in US corporate history.

Read the full article at ZeroHedge News.

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The post United States Guilty of Terrorism by Blowing up Nord Stream Pipeline first appeared on Vaccine Impact.

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