Whistleblower: Gunshot Wounds, Baby Deliveries, Car Accidents All Being Coded as “COVID” in Hospitals to Keep Federal Funding Flowing

by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

More evidence is surfacing showing that hospitals today are still collecting federal funds as an incentive to diagnose patients with “COVID” via a PCR Test, even if the patient was brought to the hospital with gunshot wounds, or to have a child, or from a car accident.

Project Veritas released a video yesterday of a whistleblower, Jeanne Stagg, who was working as a Senior Administrative Nurse at United Healthcare in Louisiana.

She came forward to expose the fraudulent practices still going on in hospitals today where people who have no symptoms of COVID come into the hospital, such as from gunshot wounds, or to have a baby, or because they were in a car accident, and are then tested positive for COVID and coded as a “COVID patient” when they are admitted to the hospital.

This releases federal funding that financially benefits the hospitals, but can literally kill the patient because they get the wrong treatment.

And to demonstrate how this is happening, a man has just come forward to give his testimony in public about how he was in a car accident, where EMS ambulance services arrived on the scene and sedated him against his will, air lifted him to a hospital allegedly in Tucson, Arizona, and he woke up 8 hours later on a ventilator because he was diagnosed as a “COVID” patient.

He was all alone in his room when he woke up, so he took himself off of the ventilator, removed the IV and catheter, and demanded to be released from the hospital.

He considers himself lucky to be alive today.

This is on our Bitchute channel, and also on our Telegram channel.


Medical Doctor: “Hospital Admission has Become Like Reporting to Prison”

Government’s Bounty on Your Life: Hospitals’ Incentive Payments for COVID-19 are About $100K per COVID Patient

Comment on this article at HealthImpactNews.com.

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