Greta Thunberg Repurposed For CNN Town Hall On Coronavirus


Greta Thunberg Repurposed For CNN Town Hall On Coronavirus

Greta Thunberg has overcome her ruined childhood to become an expert on COVID-19, according to CNN – which will feature the teenage climate activist in a Thursday town hall to discuss the virus.

Appearing alongside Thunberg for Coronavirus: Facts and Fears will be former Obama admin officials Richard Besser, who served as director of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) for less than six months, and Kathleen Sebelius, who was Obama’s Secretary of Health and Human Services – overseeing the disastrous Obamacare rollout which resulted in Republicans calling for her resignation.

What Thunberg can contribute to a discussion on COVID-19 is anyone’s guess, but we’re guessing anyone who dares to set foot in an airport is in for a guilt trip.

There couldn’t be a funnier parody of the “facts first” network’s promo for the event:

As Brad Polumbo opines in the Washington Examiner:

There are almost no words for how ridiculous this is. Anchor Chris Cuomo has touted CNN as the “facts first” network. Reliable Sources (ironic) host Brian Stelter regularly tut-tuts Fox News (sometimes justifiably) for having unqualified guests speaking on expert subjects. But at least they don’t tell their viewers to take their coronavirus wisdom from 17-year-old, troubled teenagers.

The same liberal journalists who have scolded people for so much as questioning the wisdom of the federal government’s top coronavirus experts, such as Dr. Anthony Fauci and Dr. Deborah Birx, are now literally telling people to get their scientific analysis from Greta Thunberg.

To be clear, you shouldn’t hold contempt for Thunberg — you should feel bad for her. She is a deeply troubled young woman with a long history of struggles with depression, OCD, eating disorders, bullying, and more. Sadly, she has latched onto an alarmist ascientific doomsday tale of a pending climate apocalypse as a way of coping. There’s nothing horribly wrong with this; Thunberg is a young woman of admirable passion and should pursue her beliefs. What’s disturbing is to see liberal journalists exploit such a young, ill-informed activist to push their political agenda even to her detriment.

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We couldn’t agree more.

Tyler Durden
Wed, 05/13/2020 – 16:25 Original source:

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