Mueller Set To Issue New Indictments “As Soon As Today”; Stone, Corsi, Don Jr. In Crosshairs


Robert Mueller is reportedly set to issue multiple indictments in the ongoing Trump-Russia probe, as early as Tuesday, with targets thought to include Donald Trump Jr., longtime Trump adviser Roger Stone, and Stone’s assocaite Jerome Corsi – who have both said they expect to be indicted. 

CBS News’ Paula Reid reported on Tuesday morning: “I’ve spoken with many sources with knowledge of the Special Counsel investigation, and we do expect new indictments to be coming as soon as today.

Perhaps Mueller is feeling a bit of pressure over the appointment of Acting US Attorney General Matthew Whitaker, who has publicly questioned the special counsel’s reach?

On Monday, Corsi – a former Infowars editor, said in a livestreamed video that he expects to be charged with perjury despite spending 40 hours in discussions with prosecutors, and that the talks had “all blown up,” according to Politico

I‘m going to be indicted,” said Corsi. “I anticipate being indicted… I’m going to be criminally charged.”

Corsi, who has called the potential indictment a “perjury trap,” is suspected of having prior knowledge of the WikiLeaks dump of Hillary Clinton’s campaign emails. 

Reports have suggested that Mueller‘s interest in Corsi stems from a review of communications between him and Stone in 2016 about an impending release of Clinton campaign emails by WikiLeaks, the transparency activist organization. Mueller is investigating whether any Americans had advance knowledge of the email dump, which dominated the final weeks of the campaign. –Politico

NBC News reported in late October that Mueller was investigating whether Corsi knew that WikiLeaks had obtained emails stolen by Russian hackers and whether he shared this information with Roger Stone. 

In Monday’s livestream, Corsi said that he predicted WikiLeaks would release the hacked emails because he “figured it out,” as opposed to him being in contact with WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange. 

Or, Corsi was simply following Kim Dotcom’s Twitter feed where he telegraphed the release of Clinton’s emails as early as July , 2015. 

In any event, Corsi says that while he tried to cooperate with Mueller’s team, he said his “mind was mush” after speaking with prosecutors, and says that they set up a perjury trap by not allowing him to see various documents and statements they were referring to during his “interrogation.” 

According to Corsi, prosecutors presented him with a subpoena at his house on August 28th, three days before his 72nd birthday. He says that while he didn’t talk to the special counsel’s office at the time, he subsequently met several times with Mueller’s team in Washington while his lawyer was present. Corsi recalls prosecutors Aaron Zelinsky, Andrew Goldstein and Jeannie Rhee being present. 

I think my crime, really, is supporting Donald Trump,” said Corsi during his livestream. “Now I’m going to have to go to prison for the rest of my life because I dared to oppose the Deep State,” he added. 

Roger Stone

Stone, in an emailed statement to The Hill, said that his attorneys have reviewed all of his communications with Corsi and they “prove everything I have said under oath regarding my interaction with Dr. Corsi is true.”

“I stand by my statement to the House Intelligence Committee and can prove it is truthful if need be,” said Stone. “I have passed two polygraph tests administered and analyzed by two of the nations leading experts to prove I have truthful.

Trump Jr. 

Earlier this month, Vanity Fair‘s Gabriel Sherman reported that a White House official who testified before the Senate Intelligence Committee said “I’m very worried about Don Jr” perjuring himself over whether he told his father, then-candidate Donald Trump, about the infamous Trump Tower meeting to get “dirt” from Russia on Hillary Clinton, before the meeting took place. 

Former Trump personal attorney, Michael Cohen, meanwhile, arrived in Washington D.C. on Monday accompanied by one of his criminal defense lawyers, reports ABC. While the purpose of his travel is unclear, he has met multiple times with Mueller’s team and federal prosecutors in New York City, according to ABC‘s sources. 

Those discussions, sources say, have been focused on the president’s business and his family’s charitable foundation.

The two campaign finance violations are connected to Cohen’s role in alleged hush money payments during the presidential campaign to two women who allegedly had affairs with Trump years ago.

Trump has denied the allegation and maintained that he did not know about the settlement agreement until after it was signed.

Trump only publicly acknowledged awareness of the payments after his lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, said in April on Fox News that Trump paid Cohen back for the costs associated with the Stormy Daniels deal. Giuliani contended that the payments were for purely personal reasons and that no campaign finance laws were broken.


Cohen, meanwhile, told a federal judge in AUgust that the payments to the women were made “in coordination with and at the direction of a candidate for federal office,” adding “I participated in this conduct… for the principal purpose of influencing the election.” 

So – Trump may have paid two women to keep quiet while running for office to protect his image, while Don Jr., Roger Stone and Jerome Corsi may or may not have known about, or tried, to gain an advantage over Hillary Clinton with emails allegedly stolen from Russia – and certainly not given to WikiLeaks by anyone else, perhaps on a locally copied thumb drive.

Meanwhile, should we assume Mueller has indictments prepared for Hillary Clinton, the DNC, Glenn Simpson, Christopher Steele, Perkins Coie and the rest of the links in the chain connected to the Trump-Russia dossier which relied on Kremlin officials – all in an attempt to gain an advantage over Trump

Vanity Fair


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