Putin Says “Pathetic Anti-Russian Cabal” Is Trying To Undermine Trump


Russian President Vladimir Putin has already raised doubts about Russia’s ability to materially impact the US election with what was, by all accounts, a poorly-funded, half-assed campaign to spread ridiculous far-left memes. And today, Putin again alluded to what the New York Times described as an “anti-Russia cabal” lurking within the US government – a cabal that is desperately trying to undermine President Trump.


Speaking to a group of US ambassadors, Putin referred to a group of “powerful” people who can “force-feed people their stories that would be hard to digest.”

“We see that there are forces in the United States that put their own group and narrow partisan interests above the national ones,” Mr. Putin said. “Our renowned satirists once wrote very well about such people: ‘Pathetic, paltry people.’ But this is not so in this particular case: These people are not pathetic and not paltry. On the contrary, they are quite powerful and strong if they can, excuse my crudeness, force-feed millions of their people various stories that are hard to digest in normal logic.”

He added that it would be “naive” to think that “years-old problems” could be solved in the space of a few hours. Still, progress had been made at the summit, Putin said, adding that it’s important for Trump and he to “talk directly.”

“The path to positive changes has all the same begun,” Putin said, according to Reuters. “It’s important that a full-scale meeting has finally taken place allowing us to talk directly.”

According to CNBC, Putin’s comments were “some of the most extensive to date” about his view of the Washington establishment.

Trump has been hectored by Democrats and Republicans alike since the summit, and this morning unleashed another rant about the “fake news” media, which has been bashing him with around-the-clock coverage for the past two days. Trump accused them of “making up stories without any backup, sources or proof”.

Of course, the more Trump lashes out, the more the media covers him lashing out. And around and around we go…


Original source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/zerohedge/feed/~3/FulUMjJQZNc/putin-says-pathetic-anti-russian-cabal-trying-undermine-trump

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