A Public Records Request For Documents Related to Bill Gates’s House Employee Arrested at the Gates Mansion And Convicted for Possessing Over 6000 Images of Child Porn Has Been Made



An Announcement of This Open Source Investigation and a Call to Action to All Investigative Journalists and Independent Researchers Was Made Earlier This Week

In case you missed it, start here.

The following written request has been made to the Seattle Police Department on September 13, 2019:

It’s been nearly 5 years now, since Rick Allen Jones was convicted, and these documents seem to have been completely ignored by media. While the Seattle Police Department has been responsive to this request, to date, they have not produced any of the above requested items. In the several status updates they have sent, related to this request, confirmed there to be “over 2000 pages” and that attempting to download the report, at even 1/4 at a time, has caused their system to crash.

The Three Most Recent Communications From Seattle Police Department

December 5, 2019 – SPD sent the following:

Good morning,

I’ve been trying to download the requested report all morning, every time it crashes my system. This report is over 2000 plus pages. I’ve even tried taking 1/4 at a time. It’s still taking forever.

I will need to speak with my supervisor with ideas of getting you this report. I will need to push this request out again. I don’t know how long it will take, but you will hear back from me tomorrow.

I appreciate your patience.
S. Hurst, Seattle Police Department, Legal Unit

December 12, 2019 – SPD sent the following:

The purpose of this communication is to provide a status update regarding your request.

The Seattle Police Department needs additional time to respond to your request due to the following:

*** The report has finally downloaded, and is being reviewed for any redaction’s ***

At this time, we anticipate having a response/installment to you on or about 1/8/2020.
S. Hurst, Seattle Police Department, Legal Unit

January 9, 2020 – SPD sent their most recent update:

The purpose of this email is to provide you with a status update.  We are having technical problems with trying to process your request, because this report is over 2000 pages it keeps trashing on us.  We are trying to figure out how it get this processed.  At this time, we anticipate getting back to you on or about February 17, 2020.S. Hurst, Seattle Police Department, Legal Unit

NAMELY LIBERTY will be publishing all correspondence from SPD related to this request in due time. Stay tuned…watch for future updates.

September 13, 2019Request is made for the following public records regarding criminal case # 14-1-06789-1:

1. Full police report.
2. Search warrant application and affidavit.
3. CAD report.
4. All transcripts/audio recordings/statements from defendant and witnesses related to this case.
5. Property/Evidence Report.

Defendants name is Rick Allen Jones.

For those unfamiliar with this story, read this and this, and watch this:

As mentioned in the announcement earlier this week, an excellent source to follow covering the relevant facts on this case and the ongoing independent investigation has been Dr. Roy Schestowitz of TechRights.org. He’s been actively publishing a multi-part series on the case since December 2019 along with a trove of other background research into Gates.

Everyone should be following his multi-part series:

“Mansion of Pedophilia” by Dr. Roy Schestowitz

Schestowitz appears to be working on 3 more parts to this series/investigation right now.


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