White House, Congress agree on $2 trillion virus rescue bill, House vote tomorrow?, What’s in it?


(From The AP)

The sprawling, 500 page-plus measure is the third coronavirus response bill produce by Congress and by far the largest, building on earlier efforts focused on vaccines and emergency response, sick and family medical leave for workers, and food aid.

It would give direct payments to most Americans, expand unemployment benefits and provide a $367 billion program for small businesses to keep making payroll while workers are forced to stay home.

(From The Orlando Sentinel)

Loans for distressed companies would come from a $425 billion fund controlled by the Federal Reserve, and an additional $75 billion would be available for industry-specific loans — including to airlines and hotels.

The creation of the Federal Reserve fund was one of the chief sticking points in the negotiations, as grim memories of the 2008 Wall Street bailout — which activists in both parties came to regard as a flawed program that benefited rich corporations at the expense of U.S. workers — hung over the negotiations.

Reprinted from: https://www.ac2news.com/2020/03/white-house-congress-agree-on-2-trillion-virus-rescue-bill-house-vote-tomorrow-whats-in-it/

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