Are Bill & Hillary Clinton Involved with Child Trafficking?


child trafficking

The question on everyone’s mind – are
Bill and Hillary Clinton connected to or involved with child sex trafficking or
child labor trafficking networks – or, are they advocates for children as they portray
themselves to be? Though, the focus is on both Bill and Hillary, this report
will primarily break down a timeline of Hillary’s work as it relates to
children, in addition to both of their connections with individuals who have been indicted and/or convicted of crimes
against children
– because they are stacking up. The information that
follows will provide facts, for each person to use their own discernment in
determining what they believe to be truth, or until further information is

Human trafficking is a $150 billion dollar industry.

Timeline of Hillary’s Work Specifically Involving Infants & Children:

1970: Worked at Yale Child Study Center, learning about early childhood brain development, and research assistant on the book Beyond the Best Interests of the Child, and handled cases of child abuse at Yale–New Haven Hospital

1970: Summer – worked on
Walter Mondale’s Subcommittee on Migratory Labor

1971: Met husband Bill,
interned at law firm Treuhaft, Walker and Burnstein where she worked on child
custody and other cases

1973: Postgraduate study on children and
medicine at Yale Child Study Center, her article “Children Under the Law” was
published in the Harvard Educational Review, staff attorney at Marian Wright Edelman’s
Children’s Defense Fund in Cambridge, MA, consultant to Carnegie Council on

1977: Co-founded Arkansas Advocates for
Children and Families – a state level alliance with Children’s Defense Fund,
and worked pro bono in child advocacy during her work at Rose Law Firm

1979: Published “Children’s Policies:
Abandonment and Neglect and “Children’s Rights: A Legal Perspective

1985: Introduced Arkansas’s Home Instruction
Program for Preschool Youth (preparedness & literacy)

1988-92: Children’s Defense
Fund Chairman of the Board and on the board of the Arkansas Children’s
Hospital’s legal services

1995: Wrote an article on orphaned children
that led to the Adoption and Safe Families Act in 1997

1996: Published book “It Takes A Village: And
Other Lessons Children Teach Us

1997: Supported State Children’s Health Insurance Program, and promoted nationwide immunization against childhood diseases; hosted child care conference and early childhood development and learning conferences at White House; initiated and shepherded the Adoption and Safe Families Act which required states to terminate parental rights for children in foster care for 15 out of 22 months and provided funding for efforts in encouraging adoption as well as subsidies for adoptive children up through age 18; By executive memorandum, her husband President Bill Clinton added the “Adoption 2002 Initiative” which aimed to lower barriers to adoption so as to double the rate of adoption by 2002

1999: Instrumental in passing Foster Care
Independence Act, doubling federal funding for teenagers opting out of foster
care, launched the International Center for Missing and Exploited Children
along with Lady Catherine Meyer and Cherie Booth Blair

2000: Hosted children and adolescents
conference and conference on teenagers at White House

2005: Introduced the Family Entertainment
Protection Act with other senators to protect children from inappropriate
content found in video games

2007: Via Clinton Health Access Initiative, worked in Pakistan to train nurses and midwives to perform both births and abortions

2009: Via Clinton Health Access Initiative, worked in Zambia, Malawi, Haiti, Mexico and Central America to train nurses and midwives to perform both births and abortions.   Partnered with the Polaris Project who runs the National Human Trafficking Resource Center and Hotline, and is also a Clinton Global Initiative member, to build an “Anti-trafficking approach replicable worldwide.”

2010: Clinton Health Access received $25 million from IKEA for CHAI to join the “Every Woman Every Child” initiative so CHAI can partner with governments to educate moms on the right treatment for their child’s diarrhea and encourage manufacturers to develop child-friendly formulations, with a focus in Kenya, Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh.

2012: Hosted a Clinton Global Initiative Conference focusing on human trafficking, with former president Obama as they keynote speaker.

2013: Through Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation focused on early childhood development and initiative “Too Small to Fail” led by former Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard to encourage girls worldwide to enroll in secondary schools; Lead “No Ceilings: The Full Participation Project,” a partnership with Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to study data on progress of girls and women around the world; Via Clinton Health Access Initiative, launched a 7-year health program in Rwanda with Ivy Leagues from the U.S. and $150 million from the U.S. Government, to train over 6,000 young women to be nurses and midwives for performing both births and abortions.

2014: Partnered with the Polaris Project, a CGI member, in creating an online “Global Modern Day Slavery” database directory.

2018: Campaigned for women’s right to abortion, and cheered Governor Cuomo’s on, leading up to his announcement of passing New York’s new abortion laws allowing abortions up to full term, which removed legal protections for failed abortions where babies are born alive – meaning, they allow them to die.

Does all of this involvement with children equate to people who are advocating for children, or is it cover for other nefarious actions? Review all of the information below to draw conclusions.

bill gates and Norad

Last year, the Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI), another entity that was never filed properly and is operating illegally, received over US$1.1 million for an award from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation – a huge contributor to the Clintons, and NORAD – who also helped fund their Ten Island Challenge program. The award was allegedly for saving the lives of mothers and newborns.

Hillary’s Involvement with The International Center for Missing and Exploited Children (ICMEC)

Back in the mid 1990s, Belgium reached out to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, in request for assistance with their missing children issues. The NCMEC’s Board of Directors authorized the creation of a new organization that would devote itself to doing globally what NCMEC was committed to doing in the United States. In 1998, members of the Board of the newly created International Center for Missing and Exploited Children (ICMEC) held their first meeting, and in April 1999 it was launched by then First Lady Hillary Clinton, Lady Catherine Meyer, and Cherie Booth Blair, wife of former British Prime Minister Tony Blair. The full archived press release can be viewed here.

Richard Branson’s mother, Eve Branson, was a founding board member of ICMEC in 1999 and served on the Board of Directors until 2005. Richard Branson was ICMEC’s founding sponsor. ICMEC is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt charity supported entirely by private funds and resources, and is headquartered in Alexandria, Virginia. It is a non- government agency. It also has an Asia-Pacific office and Latin America & The Caribbean office. Since their inception, they have helped to create four national or regional missing and exploited children’s centers around the world. One of those is the Global Missing Children’s Network (GMCN), which happened to launch in 1998, the same year ICMEC launched. There are 29 member countries on 5 continents allegedly working to help recover missing and abducted children.

Richard Branson

In a photo of the Board of Directors provided on Wikipedia, Eve Branson along with her son Richard Branson, and a lot of other familiar faces are pictured.

Bill and Hillary Clinton’s ties with Richard Branson go way back, as well as forward. They are all currently working together on The Ten Island Challenge pilot program, which launched in 2012 and began with ten islands, and quickly evolved to over twenty islands, all throughout the drug and child trafficking transits in the Caribbean. Since their inception, they have now branched out to form alarming new partnerships and focus on the tourism and hotel industry. This Ten Island Challenge program, funded by GEF, an arm of the World Bank, OPIC, the Dutch postal code lottery, and the Norwegian government, has allegedly set out to setup islands with solar farms and renewable energy.

Most of these Caribbean islands have been deemed tier 2 & 3 and are subject to U.S. aid restrictions due to their level of human trafficking and subjecting large populations to modern slavery – as the documentation reveals in this report. Based on Hillary’s portrayed background in fighting for children’s rights, why then would she wish to focus her energy on setting up a small solar farm to feed a block of homes on each of these islands – all of which include free solar systems to the government buildings – rather than fighting for the suffering children that reside on these islands?

Another important and relevant fact to include, is that Planned Parenthood setup the Caribbean family Planning Affiliation on 10 of those islands as well. The same year Clinton’s Ten Island Challenged launched, Planned Parenthood Federation announced their plan to training youth leaders in Latin America, Africa and the U.S., as well as their desire to combat the vulnerability of youth to unintended pregnancy and unsafe abortion. Why is this relevant? Because the Clintons have been working with Planned Parenthood since 1993 when Bill Clinton removed the “gag order” to secure ongoing funding for clinics performing abortions, and both have been training midwives and nurses to perform abortions in multiple countries, which all began in New York City.

Back to ICMEC: To understand the magnitude of ICMEC’s reach, in a 2014 report for the United States Senate Committee on Foreign Relations pertaining to “International Parental Child Abduction” it states that ICMEC has trained law enforcement in 121 countries. They have reviewed laws in 200 countries and worked with parliaments in 100 countries to enact new law on child pornography. They built a global missing children’s network to include 22 countries, established national centers in multiple countries, and created a regional center in Europe, serving 13 countries in the Balkan region.

In addition, they met with
400 Arab leaders in Cairo to create an agreement on child protection. They also
partnered with the Vatican, Mayo Clinic and Il Telefono Azzurro to create ‘The
Declaration of Rome’ on children’s rights. And finally, they entered into
formal partnerships with Interpol, and launched a Global Health Coalition of
pharmaceutical companies and health care institutions to address a public
health crisis with child sexual abuse.

, six years after the launch of ICMEC, it was
estimated that 600,000 to 800,000 humans were trafficked
across international borders each year, with 50% being minors
, according to
the U.S. Department of State, and according to the International Labour Organization
(ILO), “global profits made from forced laborers exploited by private
enterprises or agents reach $43 billion every year, of which $31.6 billion was from
trafficked victims.” Nine years later, in
2014, the (ILO) reported “forced labor in the private economy generates
$150 billion in illegal profits per year, three times more than previously

Koons foundation

All of this begs the question, if ICMEC is as all-powerful as they claim, and have taken all of the above steps to help prevent this worldwide epidemic, why then have the numbers of trafficked victims significantly increased since its inception in 1999 rather than decreased? When does “at any moment” go into effect exactly?

Follow The Money: Financial Connections to ICMEC

The board of ICMEC (past and present), nearly all have a work history with big pharma, biotech, and banks.  These folks have put together a fantastic itemized list of board members, a timeline with press releases linking to ICMEC, and donations. Full credit goes to them for compiling the financial information extracted below.

Göran Ando, served on the board for ICMEC, and worked for Novo Nordisk, UK Ltd., and Pfizer Australia Pty Ltd.
• Novo Nordisk paid $1.7 million to Podesta Group between 2004-2012
• Novo Nordisk donated between $50-100k to Clinton Foundation
• AstraZeneca PLC donated $100,000 – $250,000 to Clinton Foundation
• AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals LP donated $50,000 – $100,000 to Clinton Foundation

Mike DeNoma, is a former director of ICMEC and currently serves on the board of directors for ICMEC. He is also the senior advisor to Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co. LP, and has held high-ranking positions at Standard Chartered Plc / International Private Banking Business, and Citibank NA.
• Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co. LP paid over $1.3 million in lobbying fees to the Podesta Group
Standard Chartered Bank (more below) donated $1,000,001 – $5,000,000 to Clinton Foundation
• James A. Kohlberg donated $50,001 – $100,000 to Clinton Foundation

Victor Halberstadt, vice chairman of the board of directors on ICMEC, worked for The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. and Daimler-Chrysler. Interestingly, he was also a Trustee for the Population Council, New York.
• Daimler Trucks North America LLC donated $500,001 – $1,000,000 to Clinton Foundation
• Goldman Sachs Philanthropy Fund donated $250,001 – $500,000 to Clinton Foundation
• The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. donated $1,000,001 – $5,000,000 to Clinton Foundation

Dr. Franz B. Humer, chair on the board of directors for ICMEC, with an extensive resume, including Roche Holdings AG, Citigroup, Diageo PLC, Genentech, Inc., and many more.
• Roche Group paid the Podesta Group over $1.5 million between 1998 – 2006
• Roche Holdings paid the Podesta Group $560,000 between 2007 – 2009
• Citigroup Inc. paid the Podesta Group $100,000 in 2001
• Diageo PLC paid the Podesta Group over $1.3 million between 2010 – 2016
• Genentech, Inc. donated $10,001 – $25,000 to Clinton Foundation
• Citi Foundation donated $1,000,001 – $5,000,000 to Clinton Foundation
• Citigroup Inc. donated $500,001 – $1,000,000 to Clinton Foundation
• Diageo PLC donated $50,001 – $100,000 to Clinton Foundation

Dr. Raymond F. Schinazi, is a former director of ICMEC and currently serves on the board of directors for ICMEC. He founded several pharmaceutical companies, including Pharmasset, Inc. which he sold to Gilead Sciences for $11 billion in 2012.
• Gilead Sciences, Inc. donated $100,001 – $250,000 to Clinton Foundation

Loof, former director of ICMEC and currently serves on the board of directors
for ICMEC.

• Donated $2,700 to Hillary For America in 2016

Podesta Group lobbying fees can be found here from above financials. Here is an archived version as well.

The Clinton Foundation donors list, with an archived version as well.

On April 9, 2019 Standard Chartered Bank, big donor to Clinton Foundation, admitted to illegally processing transactions in violation of Iranian sanctions and agreed to pay more than $1 billion. The criminal conspiracy went on from 2007 – 2011, and resulted in SCB process roughly 9,500 financial transactions worth approximately $240 million through U.S. financial institutions for the benefit of Iranian entities.

violations of Iranian sanctions $1 billion

Beginning to get the picture of who runs the show, and who collects the dough? This begs the question – is ICMEC about saving children or making money? More importantly, what is being exchanged for all of this money?

Global Modern Day Slavery Directory – A Clinton Global Initiative

child trafficking database

In addition to all of the above involvement with human trafficking, the Clinton Global Initiative partnered with the Polaris Project in 2009, to build an anti-trafficking approach, replicable worldwide. The Polaris Project operates the National Human Trafficking Resource Center (NHTRC) and runs the National Human Trafficking Hotline. Polaris is based out of D.C. and is funded in part by the Department of Health and Human Services. Together, they created a “Global Modern Day Slavery” database of organizations across the globe to monitor human trafficking, in 2014. They claim it is the most comprehensive database of modern day slavery organizations ever compiled for the public, and as noted on the map above, there are 199 countries in this database.

They state “By enabling actors
in the anti-human trafficking field to better locate, identify, and connect
with each other, the tool will help connect victims of human trafficking and
at-risk populations to the help they need.”

When they began this project in 2014, they had 200 organizations in the database. There are now 2936 organizations and hotlines working on human trafficking and forced labor. There are 26 in D.C. alone. If one has done any research on human trafficking, there is a lot of telling information to be garnered from this database. It’s definitely one heck of a network.

The Global Modern Day Slavery Directory has also partnered with Liberty Asia’s Freedom Collaborative, an online, password-protected platform for anti-trafficking “stakeholders” that offers a newsfeed updated by users, a global community of organizations and research, and programmatic and legal resources. USAID and UNDP are just two of Freedom Collaborative’s partners.

Liberty Asia also partnered with La Strada International and the Polaris Project in 2013 to launch an alliance of human trafficking hotlines around the world.  Google funded this effort with $3 million dollars after determining that most illegal groups were involved in human trafficking in some way. Jared Cohen, director of Google Ideas, said that there wasn’t great coordination between all of the hotlines.

“If you call one hotline in one company, it generates data locally, but there is no way to correlate data with a hotline in another country,” said Cohen. “[So we thought]: can you integrate all these hotlines so it doesn’t matter which one you call? You need an integrated ecosystem to make the right response.”


• The Polaris Project is a member of the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI). Members are by invite only and donate a minimum of $15,000 annually.

• Catherine A. McLean is the Chairperson for the Board of Directors at Polaris. McLean was the senior advisor to the Hillary Clinton for President Campaign in 2008.

• Steve
Rosenthal, on the Board of Directors, served as Associate Deputy Secretary of
the US Department of Labor during the Clinton administration.

• It’s also important to remember that the Clinton Global Initiative was never formally setup correctly and is not a legal entity.

Pedophile Cover-Up of U.S. Ambassador While Hillary Clinton Was Secretary of State

More questions are raised, when looking back to the State Department cover-up of pedophilia that plagued the MSM when Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State. As the New York Post CBS, and NBC news reported in June, 2013, they had obtained documents tied to ongoing investigations involving eight cases of alleged misconduct by state department workers, contractors, and a United States ambassador, all of which occurred during Hillary Clinton’s tenure. An internal Inspector General memo from October, 2012 reported the ambassador under investigation “routinely ditched his protective security detail in order to solicit sexual favors from BOTH prostitutes and minor CHILDREN.” The report also states that a high-ranking official at the State Department directed investigators to “cease the investigations”. Here’s a 3-min News clip from NBC:

Former New York Congressman Anthony Weiner

Former New York Congressman Anthony Weiner, husband of Huma Abedin, Hillary Clinton’s Deputy Chief of Staff when she was secretary of state, and Vice Chair of Hillary’s 2016 Campaign for President, recently completed serving prison time for sexting with a 15-year-old girl. Weiner’s laptop contained 340,000 emails, with a significant amount of them being between Hillary and Huma. On page 294 of the IG report, it states: Initial analysis of laptop – thousands emails, Hillary Clinton & Foundation, crime against children.

Clinton Foundation crimes against children on Anthony Weiner laptop

The FBI also released a document indicating “Anthony Weiner; Producers of Child Pornography” with a blanked out box below it. Note that “producers” is plural. They also stated that a significant number of the 340,000 emails were between Huma Abedin and Hillary Clinton.

producers of child pornography
Anthony Weiner

In the June 2018, Office of the Inspector General 568-page report reviewing the various actions by the FBI and DOJ in advance of the 2016 election, they state “In September 2016, the FBI’s New York Field Office (NYO) and the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York (SDNY) began investigating former Congressman Anthony Weiner for his online relationship with a minor. A federal search warrant was obtained on September 26, 2016, for Weiner’s iPhone, iPad, and laptop computer. The FBI obtained these devices the same day. The search warrant authorized the government to search for evidence relating to the following crimes: transmitting obscene material to a minor, sexual exploitation of children, and activities related to child pornography.

On page 303 of this report, the case agent, being the only one that had the authority to release the laptop, stated his concerns over no one contacting him:

The crickets I was hearing was really making me uncomfortable because something was going to come crashing down….And my understanding, which is uninformed because…I didn’t work the Hillary Clinton matter. My understanding at the time was I am telling you people I have private Hillary Clinton emails, number one, and BlackBerry messages, number two. I’m telling you that we have potentially 10 times the volume that Director Comey said we had on the record. Why isn’t anybody here? Like, if I’m the supervisor of any CI squad in Seattle and I hear about this, I’m getting on with headquarters and saying, hey, some agent working child porn here may have [Hillary Clinton] emails. Get your ass on the phone, call [the case agent], and get a copy of that drive, because that’s how you should be. And that nobody reached out to me within, like, that night, I still to this day, I don’t understand what the hell went wrong.

Anthony Weiner was released from prison on February 17, 2019 and sent to a halfway house in Brooklyn, New York. Huma Abedin still works side-by-side with Hillary Clinton on her illegally-run ‘Onward Together’ 501(c)(4) political organization. Til this day, what is on that laptop, remains a mystery.


NXIVM is often referred to as
a “sex cult,” and with good reason. It is a dark pyramid scheme that has been
around for decades, and includes human trafficking, forced sex and slave labor,
wire fraud, money laundering, identity theft, blackmail, visa fraud, child sex
trafficking, branding women’s bodies, and racketeering. The leaders are
well-connected, backed by millions, and have an army of lawyers. Though, they
like to refer to themselves as an executive and group-awareness training
organization, spanning 23 states.

The leaders were indicted in
2018, with potential additional indictments still on the table. This case is
explosive and expanding, with new evidence and new plea deals emerging.

Clare Bronfman, Seagram’s Heiress – Bankroller
Allison Mack, Smallville Actress – Recruiter
Keith Raniere, Leader and Co-founder
Nancy Salzman, President and Co-founder
Lauren Salzman, High-Ranking Member
Kathy Russell, Accountant

It’s leader, Keith Raniere, also operates a secret society called DOS, known as “The Vow.” According to a report in Epoch Times, prosecutors said the society was created around 2015, and is purported to be an acronym for the Latin phrase “dominus obsequious sororium,” which loosely translates to “master over the slave women.”

Court documents reflect that DOS operates as a pyramid, in which Raniere is at the top, as the highest master. All of the participants are women, most of which are recruited from within NXIVM, and there are levels of “slaves” headed by “masters.” When recruiting, masters would inform their prospective slave that they would need to provide “collateral,” to ensure the slave would keep what she was about to learn a secret. The collateral included sexually explicit photographs, videos stating damning information about themselves or someone close to them, or letters with damning accusations and assigning rights to certain assets. The “slaves” had to provide collateral on an ongoing basis, which was kept in a safe.

A Superseding Incitement Reflects Child Sex Abuse:

Raniere, 58, is accused of having a child “engage in sexually
explicit conduct for the purpose of producing one or more visual depictions of
such conduct, which visual depictions were produced and transmitted.”

His co-defendants
“were aware of and facilitated Raniere’s sexual relationships with two underage
(1) a fifteen-year-old girl who was
employed by Nancy Salzman and who – ten years later – became Raniere’s
first-line ‘slave’ in DOS.”

Nancy Salzman Pleaded Guilty to Racketeering
Former psychiatric nurse Nancy Salzman, co-founder and president of NXIVM, pleaded guilty on March 12, 2019 to one count of racketeering, and admitted to participating in a widespread criminal enterprise. She also confessed to stealing email passwords of NXIVM enemies and altering tapes before turning them over for use in a lawsuit.

Lauren Salzman Admitted to Enslaving a Woman for 2 Years
In the final days of March 2019, Lauren Salzman quietly pleaded guilty to conspiracy charges, and on April 2nd admitted in court that she had harbored her own personal slave from March 2010 through April 2012, by keeping her imprisoned in a room and threatening her with deportation back to Mexico. She also admitted to being a member of DOS, Raniere’s secret society.

Clare Bronfman Fainted When Finding Out Attorneys Mark Geragos & Michael Avenatti Were Indicted for Extortion of Nike
In the midst of this bombshell, on March 27, 2019 Clare Bronfman fainted in the court room after being asked if she had secretly retained lawyer Michael Avenatti. In a recent indictment, one of Bronfman’s attorneys, Mark Geragos was identified as a co-conspirator with Michael Avenatti to extort $20 million from Nike. Avenatti was arrested just two days before Bronfman’s court appearance. Then, on April 11, 2019, Avenatti was indicted on 36 counts of fraud and embezzlement.

Allison Mack Pleaded Guilty to Racketeering
Fast forward to April 8, 2019 and Smallville actress Allison Mack pleaded guilty to racketeering charges for manipulating women into becoming sex slaves for their leader, Keith Raniere. Her original pending counts on court documents indicated sex trafficking of children by force, fraud or coercion.

big is NXIVM, and how far is their reach? This is a list of their affiliations,
documented in court records.

How Do These Individuals Connect with The Clintons?

Clare Bronfman, Seagram’s Heiress, her sister Sara Bronfman, and NXIVM’s Nancy Salzman were all members of the Clinton Global Initiative, which is by “invite only.” What does this mean? It means, that they paid the Clintons a minimum of $15,000 in annual donor fees in order to be involved with their projects and initiatives, to gain contracts and business. Based on evidence thus far, it would be easy to speculate the nefarious pay-to-play operations that took place with NXIVM’s group and Clintons working on any projects together. The fact that they all ran in similar circles, including NXIVM hosting seminars and partying on Richard Branson’s Necker island, doesn’t bode well either. Whereas Branson maintains he was not aware of these events on his island, there are cozy photos of him and Clare’s sister Sara Bronfman, indicating he was close with the family.

The Clintons have been close with the Bronfman family for quite some time, and Hillary Clinton spoke at Clare’s father Edgar Bronfman’s funeral in 2013. Edgar received the Presidential Medal of Freedom from President Bill Clinton in 1999. He was also a donor to the Clintons and their foundation.

In addition to Clare and Sara Bronfman being members of Clinton Global Initiative, NXIVM was a big donor to Hillary Rodham Clinton’s 2008 presidential run. According to the New York Post, federal records show that executives, top associates, and family members of NXIVM contributed $29,900 to Hillary’s 2008 campaign.

NXIVM VIP Tables at Clinton Foundation – Joined by Kirsten Gillibrand

It was recently reported by Fox News, court documents reveal that Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand’s father worked for NXIVM. The 2020 Democratic presidential candidate’s father, Doug Rutnik, worked as a lobbyist for NXIVM for four months in 2004 at a rate of $25,000 per month. Her father got her step-mother into being a member of NXIVM. Apparently Rutnik attempted to distance himself from the group, at which point NXIVM sued him. Later, Clare Bronfman donated money to Kirsten Gillibrand, and she accepted it.

The Frank Report tells a more in-depth story about Gillibrand’s stepmother. They allege that Doug Rutnik asked Gwenn Bellcourt, Gillibrand’s cousin, who later became her stepmother, to take a 5-day intensive to determine if NXIVM needed a license as an education institution. This all transpired while Rutnik was working for NXIVM. Bellcourt was taken with NXIVM, and immediately targeted by its leaders Keith Raniere and Nancy Salzman, for inclusion in the cult. Raniere wanted to her to become NXIVM’s inside attorney. Raniere decided they no longer needed Rutnik, at which time NXIVM attempted to sue Rutnik to retrieve the $100,000 they had paid out to him. It was settled out of court and Rutnik paid the $100,000. He later managed to get Bellcourt out of the cult and married her.

According to a report in Big League Politics, eyewitness John Tighe describes a 2006 Hillary Clinton fundraiser, that entailed Gillibrand sitting at a NXIVM table. He stated, “Gillibrand sat with one of the front tables. Yeah the three front VIP tables were all bought by NXIVM and she was sitting with Nancy Salzman.”

Kirsten Gillibrand made the claim in 2017 that she had never heard of NXIVM until she read about them in the newspaper.

The Podesta Brothers

, Former White
House Chief of Staff to Bill Clinton, Former Counselor to Barack Obama, and
Former Campaign Chairman for Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign

, Bigtime DC Lobbyist
and founder of the Podesta Group

John and Tony are very close
with the Clintons, have worked together for decades, and even grew up in the Chicago
area just 14-minutes away from each other – the Podesta’s in Jefferson Park,
and Hillary Rodham Clinton in Park Ridge, IL.

Though the Podesta brothers
have yet to be charged with crimes against children, Tony Podesta was indicted
on other charges documented below. Due to some very disconcerting material
evidence, and the fact that they are very close with the Clintons, they are
being included in this report.


In John’s office, at then Hillary Clinton’s Brooklyn campaign headquarters, he had an oil painting on loan from his brother Tony. It shows two men holding knives and forks, leaning over a dining room table, where a man in a suit lay. When asked about this painting by Time Magazine, John said, “it’s better to be the guy with the fork than the guy on the table.” This isn’t a painting depicting surgery, it is depicting cannibalism.

cannibal painting

John has been at the center of Pizzagate ever since Wikileaks released his emails back in 2016. Rolling Stone magazine would have everyone  believe that “Russian hackers” stole the emails from John and sent them off to Wikileaks for release. They, like all other mainstream media sources have claimed that Pizzagate is a deranged conspiracy theory, and made Comet Ping Pong the central point of the pizza-pedophilia theory.

Yet, Pizzagate  actually dates back decades prior to the release of those emails, and was only recently labeled as “Pizzagate.” Without going in-depth into Pizzagate, as that would be an entirely separate article in itself, let’s just limit this to two facts we do know with 100% validation. 1) Whereas John Podesta denies being involved with children in a sexual manner, at no point does he ever address or explain the suspicious language in his emails. 2) An undercover officer setup a sting on Craigslist because Stephen Salamak, a New Jersey corrections officer had put out a message looking for women and moms “that are into cheese pizza,” –  a reference to child pornography. This is all stated in the indictment. The man was indicted, numerous child pornography photos were found on his computer, and on July 27, 2018 he filed a guilty plea with a mandatory minimum sentence of 5 years.

stephen salamak
convicted child pedophile

The fact is, whether or not it can be proven that John is involved with “Pizzagate,” – pizza, sex, and pedophilia have gone hand-in-hand for many years, it is well-known, and it is well-documented. Heck, Al Vernacchio, a sex education teacher at a Quaker school in Pennsylvania, has been teaching children about pornography and sex, utilizing pizza terms since 1999. In fact, it’s been such a hit, he went on TED to break it all down for everyone in 2012. So for 20 years, pizza/food terms have been used as “sex talk” quite openly, if one does their research. It all makes the “Podesta emails” surrounding food terms and children just a bit more curious.

But hey, if that doesn’t float your boat, you can always stroll on over to the “sexy, Instagram-baiting museum of pizza in NYC” packed with a 29-room funhouse, and promoted with photos of folks strapped up in leather, cuffs, chains, and well – not much else, while tonguing down pizza, or better yet – holding a slice over their genitals. Pizza sex talk indeed. But, nothing to see here. It’s been code for a long time folks. It would take the average person to find sexual connections to pizza throughout Hollywood, used in advertising, promoted through campaigns, and certainly on the dark web – roughly 10 minutes, to draw the conclusion that sex and pizza have been linked together for decades. The only thing that evolved was the label itself – “Pizzagate.”

Therefore, to make the claim that Pizzagate doesn’t exist, with their entire focus being on “Comet Ping Pong,” is illegitimate, ignorant, and irresponsible reporting. They intentionally focus on the label, as opposed to the actual facts that child pedophiles and child sex trafficking has been rampant since the beginning of time, and has gotten progressively worse over the years, especially within the church. Perhaps sticking with the label “Pedogate” makes it harder for them to try to control the narrative. Food for thought.


Tony Podesta, longtime lobbyist in DC, and founder of the Podesta Group, was indicted in 2017 for violating the Foreign Agents Registration Act. Shortly thereafter, the Podesta Group closed up shop. Then, in July 2018, Special Counsel Robert Mueller offered Tony Podesta immunity to testify against Paul Manafort, who had worked with the Podesta Group in a public relations campaign for the European Centre for a Modern Ukraine, founded by three senior members of the pro-Russia Party of Regions – and who had been indicted on bank and tax fraud charges. Paul Manafort was sentenced to 7-1/2 years in prison. Meanwhile, Tony seems to have skated into the wind.

A Sampling of Tony Podesta’s Art Collection of Children
children on knees half naked
children tied up

Tony Podesta’s gifts to the Katzen

In addition to Tony’s own collection of disturbing art surrounding children, his manager, as well as artists they bring into their exhibits, are equally disturbing. One such exhibit included artwork by ArtAngel, founded by Roger Took, a convicted pedophile in the worst degree imaginable.

Some refer to Tony as a “provocative
artist,” while others find the idea of children being clothless and bound to be
incredibly disturbing.

The Podesta brothers are close friends with Marina Ambramovic, a Serbian performance artist and film producer who is best known for her provocative, and to some – disturbing, art exhibitions and spirit cooking parties. Ambramovic’s book “Spirit Cooking with Essential Aphrodisiac Recipes” was released in 1996, utilizing ingredients such as fresh sperm milk, breast milk, and fresh morning urine. The spirit cooking festivities typically include feasting on replicas of full-size bodies with edible ingredients that give the effects of oozing blood and tissue. It seems to be a Hollywood hit.

Marina Abramovic spirit cooking
Marina Abramovic and Lady Gaga spirit cooking

In one exhibit she was preparing, she painted the words in what appears to be actual blood, onto a wall, stating “With a sharp knife, cut deeply into the middle finger of your left hand. Eat the pain.” On another wall she painted the words, “Fresh morning urine sprinkle over nightmare dreams.”

In an email from June 2015, Marina emailed Tony about attending a spirit cooking dinner at her place, and asked if his brother would be joining him, signed “all my love, Marina.”  

The Podesta Group and Amber Ready, Inc.

In May 2009, Amber Ready, Inc., selected the Podesta Group as their agency of record to be their PR company, covering all media relations, and building a campaign to promote Amber Ready’s cell phone technology. The program enables parents to create, store and lock their children’s Alert profiles in parent’s wireless phones so that if a child goes missing, police can transmit the Alert Profiles in minutes via Amber Alert. Then-Principle of the Podesta Group Ed Rothschild, stated “Working with AMBER Ready to help inspire nationwide support for their innovative child safety solution should prove to be very exciting and gratifying.”

That is a lot of data on children being stored in accessible cell phones.

Laura Silsby

Probably one of the most
well-known names that is talked about, is convicted
child trafficker Laura Silsby
. Here are the facts:

• On January 29, 2010, Laura Silsby was arrested at the Haitian border for trying to smuggle 33 children out of Haiti, allegedly into an orphanage in the Dominican Republic, without documentation.

• Silsby was with a team of 9
other members, all of which were from America, and 7 of the 10 were from
Central Valley Baptist Church in Meridian, Idaho.

• Silsby is the former director of The New Life Children’s Refuge, which is documented in a Wikileaks email that indicates a plan to “rescue orphans from Port au Prince, Haiti,” in addition to requesting donations.

• Jorge Torres, the lawyer Silsby retained after her arrest, was arrested in connection with an international smuggling ring that trafficked children and women from Central American and Haiti into the United States. He was a fugitive from justice when he was indicted in 2003 on charges of conspiring to smuggle aliens from Central America into the United States through Canada in 2002. He was hiding out in Canada under the name “George Simard” after a 1999 bank fraud conviction. The U.S. government was unable to locate him in 2003, but they tracked him once he showed up in the media, representing the Laura Silsby case, and going under the assumed name “Jorge Torres Puello.” He was extradited, plead guilty, and was sentenced on alien smuggling charges, to serve 3-years and 1-month in prison.

At that time, Jorge Torres was wanted by four countries in connection with charges including sex trafficking of girls and women, and making counterfeit documents and violating parole. He was wanted in El Salvador for bringing women and girls from Central America and the Caribbean into El Salvador and luring them into prostitution. Jorge’s wife was arrested for holding girls captive in a Nicaraguan house, and they had documentation indicating that they may have had protection from government officials.

• All of the Americans were released with exception of the leader Laura Silsby, who they wanted to further question about the children, as well as her connection to Jorge Torres Puello.

• On February 7, 2010, Bill Clinton, then-special envoy for the United Nations, suddenly took up an interest in this case, intervened and struck a diplomatic deal for the release of the 9 American missionaries that were in a jail on child abduction charges, except Laura Silsby who the judge still had questions for.

• Just two days after Bill’s intervention, Hillary Clinton, Cheryl Mills, and several others were communicating in an email thread about USG’s options regarding the 10 Amcits, only the page containing the “options” is “denied” from being seen. In a cryptic message at the bottom, it states, “Cheryl asked for a memo from L for S BY TOMW AM outlining S’s options re the Amcits. Her questions:”

• Laura Silsby’s charges were miraculously reduced to “arranging irregular travel,” which got her a 6-month prison sentence in Haiti. On May 17, she was found guilty and sentenced to the time served in jail prior to the trial.

• Silsby returned to Idaho where she married in 2015, and took the last name Gayler. She became the Vice President of Marketing for AlertSense who works with the federal government on FEMA’s Integrated Public Alert & Warning System (IPAWS), including the Amber Alerts when kidnappings occur.

Laura Silsby Gaylor and Podesta Group

Coincidentally, in May 2009, Amber Ready, Inc., selected the Podesta Group as their agency of record to be their PR company, covering all media relations, and building a campaign to promote Amber Ready’s cell phone technology. The program enables parents to create, store and lock their children’s Alert profiles in parent’s wireless phones so that if a child goes missing, police can transmit the Alert Profiles in minutes via Amber Alert. Then-Principle of the Podesta Group Ed Rothschild, stated “Working with AMBER Ready to help inspire nationwide support for their innovative child safety solution should prove to be very exciting and gratifying.”

A Quick Recap to Wrap This 2009 Group Together

Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) stated that since 2009 they have “placed a particular focus” on combatting human trafficking. The Polaris Project and Free the Slaves are BOTH CGI members. As indicated above under the NXIVM section, members of the Clinton Global Initiative are by invite only, and are required to give minimum donations of $15,000 annually.

in 2009, is when the Podesta Group
partnered with Amber Ready, Inc., which ultimately creates a database of
information on children across the globe, stored in cell phones, which are
highly accessible, especially when technology is designed to be accessed.

Laura Silsby had been planning her
trip to Haiti and working on developing her “orphanage” in 2009, eventually
making her way to Haiti in January 2010, when she was arrested for trafficking
33 children, and who’s lawyer was extradited on charges of smuggling women and
children. Despite all of this, she managed to get a job at a company that works
with the Federal Government in direct relation with Amber Alert. Curious.

Bill and Hillary Clinton came to the rescue of Laura Silsby.

Wealthy Hedge Fund Manager Jeffrey Epstein

Epstein, served 13 months in prison and home detention after agreeing to an
illegally carried out plea deal back in 2008, in which Epstein admitted to
soliciting an underage girl for prostitution. This story is about much more
than just one underage girl – in fact, there were 30.

Epstein was accused by more than 30  girls, most between the age of 13 and 16, of being lured to his mansion for sex acts. According to the Miami Herald, court and police records show that he then used those same girls to recruit more girls over a period of several years.

This 2008 plea deal gave Epstein and an
untold number of others who weren’t named, immunity from federal
This non-prosecution agreement is now a big
focus of the Justice Department’s investigation.

On February 22, 2019 a federal judge ruled that the deal made back in
2008 was illegal because former Miami U.S. Attorney Alexander Acosta kept it
from Epstein’s victims, which is in violation of the Crime Victims’ Rights Act.
They concealed a plea agreement from more than 30 underage victims who had been sexually abused. In a 33-page
opinion, Judge Marra said: “prosecutors
not only violated the Crime Victims’ Rights Act by not informing the victims,
they also misled the girls into believing that the FBI’s sex trafficking case
against Epstein was still ongoing — when in fact, prosecutors had secretly
closed it after sealing the plea bargain from the public record. Epstein worked
in concert with others to obtain minors not only for his own sexual
gratification, but also for the sexual gratification of others.”

On March 11, 2019, a federal court of appeals in New York gave
multimillionaire Jeffrey Epstein and his former partner Ghislaine Maxwell until
March 19th to establish good cause as to why the documents from
their prior case should remain sealed. If they fail to do so, the summary
judgement and supporting documents will be made public. The court also reserved
a ruling on additional documents in the civil case, which includes discovery

On March 19, 2019 two anonymous individuals filed complaints objecting to the unsealing of the court documents, over privacy issues and fear of being publicly identified as third parties.

Connections to The Clintons:

• Hillary Clinton received a $50,000 political donation from Epstein in
2006 while he was under indictment for trafficking children for sex.

• Epstein routed $25,000 from HSBC Swiss accounts directly to the
Clinton Foundation in 2006.

• In a
23-page letter, written by Epstein’s lawyers Alan Dershowitz and Gerald
Lefcourt in July 2007, to negotiate a plea deal before being tried for sex
trafficking underage girls from his Palm Beach, Fla base to his 72-acre island Little
St James in the Caribbean, they stated his close friendship with Bill Clinton
and claimed that he helped start the Clinton Global Initiative. It stated, “Mr. Epstein was
part of the original group that conceived the Clinton Global Initiative, which
is described as a project ‘bringing together a community of global leaders to
devise and implement innovative solutions to some of the world’s most pressing
challenges.” Thus far, Jeffrey Epstein, Nancy Salzman, and Clare Bronfman have
all been convicted, and coincidentally, were all involved with the Clinton
Global Initiative, two of whom had islands in the Caribbean. As noted above,
the plea deal worked.

Flights logs show Bill Clinton flew on Epstein’s private plane “Lolita Express”
at least 26 times, and ditched his Secret Service detail for at least five of
the flights.

• Epstein hosted a trip to Africa in 2002, on his private plane, for the Clinton Global Initiative’s anti-AIDS mission. Bill Clinton, actor Kevin Spacey, and other celebrities were all aboard.

Actor Kevin Spacey

In December 2018, Kevin Spacey was charged with sexual assault of a teenager at a bar in Nantucket, Massachusetts, that occurred late on July 7 into July 8, 2016. This followed on another allegation by actor Anthony Rapp, who claimed Spacey made sexual advances toward him in 1986 when he was 14-years-old and Spacey was 26. At the same time he offered a public apology to Rapp, he also came out for the first time, declaring himself a gay man. CNN, of all media outlets, did a little hit piece on Spacey about coming out during an apology.

Another case of sexual battery accusations that took place in 1992, was dropped last September due to California’s statute of limitations. However, there are court documents in pacer on another ongoing case that was filed on January 31, 2019 in California, whereby the plaintiff, a massage therapist listed as “John Doe,” alleges repeated sexual assault and battery by Spacey while falsely imprisoning plaintiff.

UK police are also
investigating several allegations from when he served as artistic director at
London’s Old Vic Theatre.

In December, Spacey took to YouTube and posted a bizarre video, in which he was in his “House of Cards” character, while seemingly, both denying and divulging a mix of information, such as this:

“Of course
some believed everything. They’re just waiting with bated breath to hear me
confess it all. They’re going to say I’m being disrespectful, not playing by
the rules,” he adds. “Like I ever played by anyone’s rules before. I
never did. And you loved it.”

According to the Herald News, the pending case in court regarding the teenager in the bar, in which Spacey was brought up on charges, is the first case that has resulted in criminal charges. It is expected to go to trial in the fall. Police reports indicate that the teen told investigators that Spacey kept bringing the teen drinks, repeatedly invited him back to his home, and unzipped the teen’s pants and rubbed his penis over his underwear as they stood in a crowded area of the bar. Spacey has been accused of sexual misconduct by more than a dozen men, in which some of them were teens at the time of the alleged incidents. According to ABC Action News, the criminal complaint indicates that investigators have video of Spacey sexually assaulting the 18-year-old boy.

Spacey apparently owns a $7 million dollar home in Nantucket, where the island is buzzing with rumors about Spacey and other alleged victims.

Connections to The Clintons

• The New York Times published an article in 2015 about Spacey’s “bromance” with Bill Clinton. At the 10th anniversary celebration of the William J. Clinton Presidential Center, Spacey stated, “we, in fact, have spent so much time together that I sometimes I even become him.” According to NYT, Spacey first met Bill Clinton in the White House during his first term, kept in touch, grew closer, and continued their talks a couple times a month. There is even a photo of Spacey and Clinton hanging on the wall in “House of Cards,” from one of their dinners. They also share a photo of Spacey and Clinton together after a performance of “The Iceman Cometh” from 1999, in addition to a photo of the pair at the Tribeca Film Festival in 2002.

• After Clinton left office,
Spacey began working with Bill on some of the Clinton Foundation’s initiatives.

• In 2002, Kevin Spacey flew to Africa with Bill Clinton, on Jeffrey Epstein’s plane, for a 5-day CGI AIDS mission.

• In 2013 Bill Clinton revealed he was an ardent admirer of “House of Cards”.

• Spacey stated to David Letterman that he is pals with Bill Clinton, when describing their visit to Starbucks in 2014.

Joel A. Getz, Independent Director of Chain of Private Kindergartens in China

photo: Yale

Getz, a former Clinton Foundation official, is an independent director of RYB Education, who operates 80 kindergartens and has an additional 175 franchised locations across 130 cities in China. In November, 2017 China launched a nationwide investigation into the chain of schools following claims of abuse at multiple locations. Parents had reported at least 8 toddlers were forced to take white pills and some sort of brown syrup by the teachers, needle marks were found on their bodies, and the children were stripped naked and forced to either stand or locked in dark rooms. Medical examinations confirmed the injuries were from needles, and China’s Xinhua news agency reported that children were also sexually molested.

One of the parents came forward and said
that her son was made to strip naked after being injected with brown syrup, then
examined by a naked male adult, in what was described as sexual intercourse.
The mother requested to see closed circuit footage from the school, but they
denied her. Another parent said that the kids were saying the teachers would
give them the white pill and tell them it was “a secret” and to call it a
jellybean rather than a pill, and it was a reward. One father said that his
child had taken two white pills after lunch and then fell asleep.

The kindergarten was located next to a
large military base, and speculation began that men from the base may have been
sexually abusing the children, since the director’s husband was previously an
official at the base. They were unable to prove this theory.

Abuse had happened at other kindergartens
in this chain as well. Back in October 2016 two teachers from an RYB
kindergarten in northeast Julin province were sentenced to 34 months in prison
for jabbing children in their mouths, head, and buttocks with needles.

All of the directors of RYB are Chinese, with the exception of Joel Getz. He is also listed as a member of the Audit Committee and the Compensation Committee. It seems quite odd that an associate dean at Yale would be on the board of directors of a Chinese kindergarten chain.

Prior to this, he served as the director of development for the William J. Clinton Foundation in New York and was President of the Mayor’s Fund to Advance New York City. According to his Yale bio, when working for the Clintons, he was “instrumental in creating a formal development operation for the Clinton Foundation, which raised in excess of $135 million annually.”

Interestingly, when Getz was on the board of advisors for the Mayor’s Fund, film producer Harvey Weinstein was also on the board. Weinstein is currently facing rape charges in an ongoing court case. Another interesting side note: Daisy Soros, George Soros’s sister-in-law was also on the board. The Mayor’s Fund is no joke. A lot of big organizations and foundations are donors, including George Soros. In 2017, they took in over $21 million in grants and contributions, and in 2016 they cleared over $24 million.

Joel A. Getz

Harold H.L. Moody

convicted pedophile

Harold Moody worked for Pulaski County Youth Services in Little Rock, AR, where he was arrested on November 5, 2018 for pornography charges involving live streaming chat rooms where infants were being raped. Clinton Health Matters Initiative and its partners, were working with Pulaski County Youth Services from 2012 – 2017. In addition, he was a communications director for the Democratic Party of Arkansas for a year-and-a-half, and prior to that, he was chairman of the Pulaski Democratic Party for two years. Some of Moody’s friends and associates include Chad Griffin who is head of the Human Rights Campaign (HRC), and Jason Wiest co-host of The Big Gay Radio Show and former deputy director of communications at the office of Gov. Mike Beebe, as shown in a video clip Harold Moody posted to his facebook page, along with hundreds of photos with politicians at political events.

George Nader

convicted pedophile

George Nader is a Middle East analyst and convicted pedophile who worked for the Clinton administration and received a congressional tribute for his work on his magazine, after an exclusive interview with former President Bill Clinton. Some may be familiar with his name, because he was questioned in the Mueller probe for consulting with the Trump administration.

George Nader was born in Lebanon, and came to the U.S. as a teenager. In 1981, he started a company and magazine by the name of International Insight Inc., and the magazine later became “Middle East Insight.” Before long, the magazine featured original interviews with senators John McCain, Dianne Feinstein, Mitch McConnell, then-Senator Joe Biden, as well as George W. Bush and Bill Clinton, as well as Middle Eastern leaders, including Saudi Arabia’s Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, Muammar Gaddafi, Yasser Arafat, and others.

During the Clinton
Administration (1993–2001), Nader tried to broker an Israeli-Syrian peace
agreement, and worked with Estée Lauder heir Ronald Lauder. He served as an
informal envoy to Syria for the Clinton administration and worked as a
negotiator to help free U.S. hostages in Lebanon.

George Nader had an exclusive interview with former President Bill Clinton, that was published in the November–December 1995 issue, and saved in congressional records.

Just four months later, in April 1996, a tribute was made to Nader and his magazine in a congressional report. The report also makes clear of his access to key political and business leaders throughout the Middle East.

According to court records, Nader was indicted in 1985 for importing child pornography from the Netherlands, containing an eight-mm movie film, four magazines and one advertisement for another film, in addition to a magazine title “Boy No. 53” and “Sweet Little Sixteen, Volume 3, No. 8,” along with two pictures. The material contained nude boys, as well as nude boys engage in a variety of sexual acts.

A U.S. Customs inspector
opened the package because he felt he had reasonable grounds to suspect the
enclosed material was being imported into the U.S. contrary to law. The case
was later dismissed when more child pornography evidence was seized from
Nader’s home, was thrown out based on procedural grounds.

In 1991, Nader was caught at Dulles airport in Washington, DC, transporting videos of underage boys in sex acts, dated 1990. He was convicted and sentenced to six months at a halfway house in Maryland, by a federal court in Northern Virginia, on a felony charge for transporting sexually explicit materials in foreign commerce. His case was sealed, and he was not placed on the sex offender’s registry because Virginia required two or more convictions.

In the early 2000s, he up and left his Washington apartment and completely vanished. His website went offline and his business was dissolved. At some point in 2003 he resurfaced to take a couple to court who had purchased his apartment through foreclosure, while he was gone.

In May 2003, Nader was sentenced to a one-year prison term for sexually abusing 10 young boys between 1999 and 2002, in Prague. He was convicted of moral corruption of minors, sexual abuse and impairing morals. He often offered money, jewelry, cellphone and such, as accommodations for sexual services. In one of the cases, he had requested oral sex from a 14-year-old boy in a room at the Hilton Hotel in Prague. Nader proceeded to masturbate in front of the boy, after the boy had refused.

He was expelled from the Czech Republic after his release. Being as he returned to Washington in 2003 to reclaim his apartment, it would seem he didn’t serve the full-year prison sentence.

The Verdict

On March 13, 2019, The Washington Post published an article in regard to the transcripts released on former FBI lawyer Lisa Page from the probe into how federal law enforcement agencies conducted the Trump and Clinton investigations. Former FBI counterintelligence officer Peter Strzok and Lisa Page were both assigned to these investigations, were having an affair, and had exchanged numerous bias texts against Donald Trump. Page clarified this by stressing that senior bureau officials were also expressing anti-Clinton animus, and stated “many of us in law enforcement dislike the subject of our investigations. We are not keen on pedophiles and fraudsters and spies and human traffickers. That is fine. What would be impermissible is to take that harsh language and to act in some way that was illegal or against the rules. And we don’t do it.”

The question on everyone’s mind – are Bill and Hillary Clinton child

What would be their motive? Money is certainly a driving motivator for the Clintons, and it’s a $150 billion dollar industry. They most definitely have worldwide connections to pull off operations for child sex trafficking, organ harvesting, or slave labor. Does this alone make them guilty? Are they themselves pedophiles like many of their convicted friends, or are they just okay with that behavior? Why is it that they seem to continually surround themselves with corrupt individuals, some even former lawmakers, as well as other sexual predators, and some under question for murder.

Does anything go with the Clintons? Why are they working with Branson, Gates, Soros, Bezos, numerous organizations and foundations, across 26 islands in the Caribbean to build up “tourism” and focus on sustainable infrastructure, such as hotel resorts. Polaris points out that hotels are a venue for traffickers, with 1,434 cases of human trafficking in hotels having been reported back in 2007. Most of the Caribbean islands are either tier 2 or tier 3 for human trafficking.

What It Boils Down To

Option A. They had absolutely no clue that any of these people they spent a great deal amount of time with, both personally and through business, were involved in crimes against children. All of the work they have done for children is about the children, not the money. This is a hard sell given all of the evidence above.

Option B. They
turned a blind eye, despite being aware. A highly unlikely option. If anything,
the Clintons would use this information to extort those people. And in doing
so, would indicate their lack of concern for children, making all of their said
causes a lie.

Option C. They created
bills, instilled laws, built relationships, worldwide databases, countless initiatives,
partnerships, and global hotlines – all with direct access to, and knowledge of,
children and their whereabouts. In both politics and business they are known as
the procurement specialists, often using this language in their press releases.

The evidence is piling up against the Clintons. It’s becoming more and more difficult
to rationalize all of their choices, relationships, and nefarious dealings, away.

There will come a day when the light will brightly shine on all of this, when investigations into the Clintons wrap up, and truth be unveiled. Until then, pray for the children in this world – for this battle we fight day and night – is for them.

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