5 Books Every Dropout Needs to Read


Look, we know that there are tons of incredible books out there, but we want to share with you the top 5 we recommend every dropout or those considering dropping out, read. 

These 5 books will help you to build mental models or frameworks that will assist in your journey of dropping out. The great thing is that they will assist beyond your decision of dropping out and hopefully impact how your life unfolds moving forward.

Here are our recommended 5 books for every dropout to read.

1. 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

Hands down one of the best books I have read. In fact, I have read it multiple times because I have received value from it in each season of my life thus far. If you are wanting to be effective in life or in business, read this book. There are many mental models that I have adopted since reading this book. It has made me a better business partner, husband and all around a better version of myself.

2. Extreme Ownership

Written by two Navy SEAL’s, this book is intense but that’s why I love it. The concept of Extreme Ownership is taking ownership over your lives but also the lives of the people around you. That is where the “extreme” comes in. This book shows the importance of going “beyond” ourselves in our lives, businesses and relationships. 

3. The One Thing

A recent favorite, this book helps to simplify your business or life to be focusing on the ONE thing that makes everything else easier or obsolete. Gary brings a practical approach for making your life and business easier.  

4. The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck

Hands down, a great book. It’s an easy listen on Audible and one that I will return to when I find myself in a cycle of caring too much about what others think about me. Or worse, what I think others think about me.  The title says it all, but Mark Manson talks about the negative impact it can have on your life when you care TOO much and how we all need to not give as much f*ucks about stupid stuff. 

5. How to Win Friends and Influence People

A classic book for any leader that is wanting to lead his team or family with respect and without resentment. A tough task to accomplish no doubt, but Dale Carnegie gives simple “rules” for how to make sure you’re making friends and influencing people with respect and integrity. 

All this to say…..

Just because you have already left or are thinking of leaving formal education, does NOT mean you get to stop learning. Learning is essential for growth, providing value to others around you and will be necessary in any venture you dive into. Reading books is one of the best ways you can continue learning from brilliant minds that have impacted our society. 

Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish.

The post 5 Books Every Dropout Needs to Read appeared first on Successful Dropout.

Reprinted from: https://successfuldropout.com/5-books-every-dropout-needs-to-read/

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