Top 3 Apprenticeships for Students


It’s common for highschool students to have just two options after they graduate: get a job or go to college/get higher education. Fortunately, there is another option that combines the two. It’s getting into an apprenticeship! We explore our top 3 apprenticeships for students in the following sections because apprenticeships are great for learning a skill or multiple skills WHILE earning a living wage. 

What’s even better is that, years ago, apprenticeships were only for skill jobs like an electrician, plumber, carpenter, etc. While they are still available for those industries, more and more apprenticeships are popping up in the tech world. We think apprenticeships are a great alternative to college.  

Here are our top 3 favorite apprenticeship programs! 

1. Praxis

Praxis was one of our first collaborations at Successful Dropout and we continue to love what they are doing for the community! 

I’ve known the Praxis team for a long time, they’re an incredible group. 

Praxis is a 6 month long bootcamp that will prepare you a 6 month paid apprenticeship at a startup and after that, a full time job earning $50k+/year starting. The net cost of the program is $0 because you earn much more than you pay to get in. 

This is a great path to take if you want to be mentored by some incredible entrepreneurs. Landing a job at an established startup is a fantastic way to learn the skills needed to start your own business, or to work your way into much higher paying jobs at established companies.

2. In Demand Career

Start earning $60k+/year soon by owning your own digital marketing agency. 

Seth Hymes is a good friend and he’s created one of the best courses on digital marketing out there. 

Most of his students starting earning $60k+/year within months of taking his training. By being a freelance digital marketer, can run your own business, set your own hours, and work from wherever you want. You can also get a good job at an established company if you wish with these skills. 

This is the perfect path to take if you want to pay the bills and make a comfortable living while you work on another longer term project/business. 

3. Life Skills That Matter

Stephen Warley is a great friend and has been on the SD podcast several times. He hosts an awesome accelerator program and helps you take skills you already have and turn them into a business. 

If you are wanting to make more money, have more control over your time and work in alignment with your values and needs, this accelerator could be a great option for you!

Several of our SD members have gone through his program and have nothing but great things to say. 

All this to say…..

If there is any question on what you should do after school or you’re not wanting to go to college, we highly recommend any of the above apprenticeship programs! 

Successful Dropout is a community of outliers and we thrive on giving people options to step off the conveyor belt to take control of their life in every facet. Accelerators or Apprenticeships are an incredible option. 

Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish.

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