Blocking comments and Foia to the Aifa

For the third time in a few months the platform of comments to the last article was blocked.

No headache, the French would say. The game continues: write here.

No, I’m not mad. I’m not even interested in finding out who the nerdy troll is thinking of stopping a debate by canceling it. And what now, satisfied with the enterprise, he is pleased with it.

The enterprise, then.

There are universal laws that act independently of us. One of these is that of balance, when so much water flows it is unthinkable to dam it with a dam. If a stream is in full and flows swirling, by its nature, it floods every ravine. Out of metaphor: the more censorship is applied, the more the seeds of free expression are watered.

I take the opportunity, therefore, not to propose to you the same article that tried to empty of its natural debate, but to give you an update (which you can comment again).

A Foia at Aifa

The FOIA is a request for access to the acts that some readers and an association submitted to Aifa after learning about the difficulty we had in finding active pharmacovigilance data.

Click here. I’ll update you soon. In summary: Aifa is required to inform citizens of adverse events that anyone may experience after each vaccination.

And it is held there not only because it is a public administration but because  the 4% of active data collection of vaccines-announced by the same Aifa in the passive pharmacovigilance reports-concerns us directly. Knowing with transparency the risk-benefit ratio of each vaccine put on the market before the conclusion of the studies becomes fundamental for us in view of the recalls that we will make and the obligation of the Green Pass. Considering, moreover, that the doctors who vaccinate do not have any responsibility for what happens after the puncture (they have the criminal shield), and neither does the manufacturing industry take responsibility for the compensation (it is a contract clause).

My thanks extended to all of you, today goes in particular to those readers who have forwarded the Foia. A blog is just a drop, but so many drops make the ocean.

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