IPAK Letter to Mark Zuckerberg

IPAK has sent Mark Zuckerberg a letter on the importance of respecting individuals’ rights to freedoms guaranteed by the US Constitution and by the Code of Federal Regulations.


JLW_ZUCKERBERG LETTER 2 2019_withPT letter

To co-sign the letter, visit this Petition site: https://www.thepetitionsite.com/882/680/583/ipak-letter-to-mark-zuckerberg/

Original source: https://jameslyonsweiler.com/2019/02/18/ipak-letter-to-mark-zuckerberg/

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February 18, 2019 9:32 pm

Thank You for this!!!!! This is truly something the whole world needs to see. It could open lots of eyes and help prove that non-vaxxers aren’t crazy!!! We have real reasons we have chosen to do what we do, and we are only trying to help others not go down a road of suffering that our own families have. I don’t wish suffering upon any child, and if helping share the dangerous side of vaccines helps to save a child, then it is worth all the ignorant judgement that some people choose to throw in the direction of non-vaxxers.