A New Republic


We the People believe in ourselves and each other. We the people believe in our government. We have lost faith in our political parties. We have lost faith in our national media. The time has come to hold ourselves responsible for the system we have created. Right now, our country is rabid. It has been continually stirred up for profit by corporate political terrorism. The media is a political terrorist. Our political parties are infiltrated by dual-citizens. These groups are loyal only to themselves. They are too corrupt to be trusted. There is no effort to water the truth anymore. Our streets, representatives, and freedom are no longer safe in this climate. We have to hold the instigators responsible. We have to change the system so this can’t happen. America has been infested by infiltrators who have committed treason under a flag of evil. Media has formed a corporate mind cult built on propaganda. They put makeup on each other and feed themselves to a nation of zombies. There are too many sharks in the pool. There are too many snakes on this plane.

The federal government of the United States will be voluntary. There can be no exception. You cannot experiment with democracy when you have a central administrator. The current system is too corruptible and forced consent is an act of violence. Our nation has given psychopathy too much power. From now on, the federal government will compete for our resources just like we do. If companies are willing to pay multi-millions of dollars to put their logo on a NASCAR vehicle, they can do it for a jet fighter. Stenciled right underneath the pilot’s name it says, “This F-15 is sponsored by the great state of Michigan and The Home Depot.” Each of the states will go back to regulating their militia. If America wants to attack Russia, the states can send as many troops as they deem appropriate. We will vote for war with our bodies – we give no one a rubber stamp. A political party is a secret society and media covers their allegiance with corporatism. Our representatives and media have failed us completely. They have forever lost our trust.

Let our states become bioregions. A bioregion shares a single climate that unites the people under its protection. This is the true meaning of love for country. It is a love for the living soil. Man is the living soil. He is a walking mushroom. My state of North Carolina has three bioregions. The coastal wetlands want something different from their government than the flatlands or the Appalachians. Bioregions will run like a constitutional republic – three branches of government, three systems of checks and balances. They can amend their own constitution; they may create their own experiment in democracy. Each of our bioregions are united under the Bill of Rights. Adoption is a bioregions admission to our union. Inside the bioregion is a county seat and inside of the county is a city or township. These will continue to run through a charter. A town serves the bioregion and the bioregion serves the people. Our leaders will be our neighbors again. Our leaders will walk our streets and look us in the eye.


On the local neighborhood level, we will keep socialism. Socialism is perfect as it works now for the neighborhood. Let it empower residents more with our taxes to buy that empty corner lot for a vegetable garden, or a covered picnic shelter. All of our taxes are paid locally and funneled up using blockchain. Like bubbling springs, our bioregions will compete for the honor of gifting the most. We will spur a nationwide competition for volunteering. We will create a new media where American Idol is replaced by American Compassion. Patriots are sick of coercion and national socialism is used as its camouflage. National socialism is communism. Local socialism is voluntaryism. From our soccer fields to our fire departments, volunteering is compassion-based government.

We will rebuild this country by turning the soil. Our militia will be locally sourced and our arms will belong to the people. This is our country. It does not belong to the government. Government is a child of the people. This child has been spoiled. It’s time to become the parent. This is the death of the pyramid. We may form a new republic built from our circles. We don’t want to change our government. We want to clean it. Returning to a system of voluntarism gets us there. It restores the supremacy of compassion. It pulls the flag out of our back and places it back in our hearts. If we trust in each other’s compassion, our government will pollinate itself from this blossom.

The post A New Republic appeared first on James True.

Original source: https://www.jtrue.com/blog/column/we-the-people

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