New World Normal


Normalcy has been restored. This is needed to settle the venom in our back. The hunger game has ended round one and everyone gets a fifteen-minute break. The world will be sedated with time and sugar while the virus is contained. How do we know we’re not the virus? This question will be squelched by a slow drip of novocaine. Our reptile brain will decide the New World Normal is not a concern. It drops its guard to save itself calories. Its certainly going to need them in the future.

These are the days of lizard kings. Our neocortex has been sodomized for so long it gave up completely. It wears bunny ears now like Macaulay Culkin asking for rape. The victimized mind must choose between sadism or masochism. Everything is inverted but we’ve learned to enjoy it. We skate backward like teenage girls drifting in a roller-rink. The only one who makes sense is the town pariah. He tells you the eggs in our back are finally hatching. The system could be perfect if we’d just die. Trump signed the order for the hornets of 5G to secure our safety. The spell of two towers is now the spell of 19,495 towers. He even mentioned securing them abroad. If you don’t see what’s coming you wear rabbit ears while your ass shakes out on the street.

But don’t worry. For the next several months, Trump will squeeze honey down our throat. He’ll tell the economy he never meant to hit her. He’ll tell us how much he loves her in whispers of, “America First.” He’ll tell us to pick out some jewelry with a check in the mail. That $2000 is a commission from the sale of your birth certificate. The IMF owns all of us now. Trump put out a $15 million bounty on President Maduro’s head making Venezuela the last of the Mohicans. The entire world is finally in the pocket of the hidden hand. I can hear my critics dismiss that I’m simply too paranoid.

Trump will bring us honey for Spring. He needs his caterpillar to be self-sufficient. The DAPL permit decision was released to pretend this is an actual government. It counters the truth of what has just happened perfectly. It paints a mural of justice on the wall so we can get back to eating. They’re erecting our invisible fence in broad daylight while no one complains. Perhaps, I am simply jaded. I see a killer on the road and want us to do more than blink.

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I am about to type something horrid. And you are about to read it. Many will throw tomatoes but this truth is ultra-violet. The lawyers, nurses, and doctors have failed us in this plan-demic. They abandoned their post as watchmen to serve the machine. They executed their orders perfectly without question. They left vigilance at home in the freezer during a crisis. But a crisis is always the weather when they loot us for liberty. Maybe we’ll figure this out the quadrillionth time around.

My post for a call to arms from lawyers was met with nothing. The Minutemen are in meetings and their voicemails are full. All of them believe a corporate fiction. They claim letters own property and sue us all for trespass. How does one trespass against something with no body? These illusions are run by boards. These boards are made of wood. The same wood as the puppets elected to regulate them. Everything they show us is imaginary voodoo drizzled in white paste. We are children who eat glue. All we did was grow longer with age. Our wisdom has been supplanted by credentials.

The land can never be ruled. Only our mind is vulnerable to fiction. Underneath the concrete is the truth. It sprouts up through the cracks like a naive virgin with amnesia. If it remembered what we did to it last time it would never reach for the sun again.

The last ones to admit vaccines are dangerous will be those who gave them to your children.

The people in ties read my complaint but keep their mouth shut.  They blink and scroll and contemplate on mute. They are frozen in the ice like neanderthals with their eyes open. None of them dare stand up to what is happening. How could they? Lawyers know the truth and are trained to survive in hiding. There’s a charisma to pro bono that pats you on the back. We are a world of lizards paying taxes by chopping off our tails.

Before the lawyers think I’m dumping; allow me to rip the doctors and nurses. When will they discover we are pincushions? Polio, swine, avian,  HIV, and influenza have been an excuse for mercury buckshot. They can’t even prove to a court that measles is a virus. These injuries aren’t on accident. The whitecoats are shooting us from tree stands to see who can drop the most. All of this comes while our allies are dreaming of whitehats. A century of vaccines used as targets on a range made from children. Flatten the curve has been the goal for a while so the lizard won’t care. If you think Republicans are going to save you, you’re a Democrat who can’t admit it. If you’re a Democrat you stopped reading after my very first sentence.

It’ll be smooth sailing for a while. Trump got his 5G. IMF got our birth certificates. And the lucky ones get permission slips to move about the city freely. That’s about all we’ll take as a species before we consider maybe possibly making an appointment to become suspicious.

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