CPRC in the News: New York Post, Just the News, Axios, Orange County Register, El Tiempo Latino, and much more

“Does Biden talk to police to see why they do what they do? Biden doesn’t understand policing,” John Lott Jr., president of the Crime Prevention Research Centersaid Monday. 

“If he wants to increase retention, don’t immediately release criminals & make police feel pointless,” Lott Jr. added, referring to the struggles police departments nationwide have had keeping officers on the force. . . .

Victor Nava, “Biden calls for retraining cops: ‘Why should you always shoot with deadly force?’” New York Post, January 16, 2023.

One percent of U.S. counties account for about 42% of U.S. murders, while 52% of counties have no murders, according to a recent study.

The 1% is 32 counties, which have 21% of the U.S. population, according to a study of 2020 homicides published Monday by the Crime Prevention Research Center.

The study also found 5% of counties account for 73% of all of the murders, yet having just 47% of the U.S. population, the study also found.

The 52% of counties without any murders account for 10% of the U.S. population.

“Murder isn’t a nationwide problem,” center President John Lott writes at the conclusion of the study. “It’s a problem in a small set of urban areas concentrated in small areas inside them. And even in those counties, murders are concentrated in small areas inside them, and any solution must reduce those murders.” . . .

Madeleine Hubbard, “One percent of U.S. counties account for 42% of nationwide murders, study shows,” Just the News, January 18, 2023.

Yet such bans have no effect on crime. According to gun scholar John Lott, “Multiple surveys done of criminals find that virtually no criminals obtain their guns from gun shows.” And nearby Arizona and Nevada are not banning gun shows, so Min’s efforts have been just for show. . . .

John Seiler, “Katie Porter’s Senate bid scrambles Orange County races,” Orange County Register, January 22, 2023.

. . . El contenido recurre a un informe publicado el 17 de enero de 2023 por el investigador John R. Lott, del Crime Prevention Research Center, una organización apartidista dedicada al estudio académico de la relación entre las leyes de control de armas y la violencia. Sin embargo, este informe no analiza el color político de los estados ni las políticas públicas que aplican respecto de las armas.

¿Qué dice el documento?

El informe sostiene que “los asesinatos en todo el país parecen estar aún más concentrados en un pequeño conjunto de condbusconados”.

En esa línea, señala: “La mayoría de los condados no experimentan asesinatos, un conjunto más pequeño donde hay algunos asesinatos y luego un pequeño conjunto de condados donde los asesinatos son muy comunes”. Y para graficar esta concentración, agrega: “El peor 1% de los condados (los peores 31 condados) tienen el 21% de la población y el 42% de los asesinatos (…) Pero incluso dentro de esos condados, los asesinatos están muy concentrados en áreas pequeñas”.

El informe precisa, además, que la concentración en 2020 fue la más alta en una década y en un párrafo se refiere al condado de Los Ángeles, California, a modo de ejemplo, donde el “peor 10 % de los códigos postales representa el 41 % de los asesinatos”.

Sobre las armas, destaca que en los hogares rurales hay mayor posesión de armas que en los suburbanos y, a su vez, en los hogares suburbanos hay más armas que en los urbanos. “A pesar de la menor posesión de armas, las áreas urbanas experimentan tasas de homicidios mucho más altas. No se debe poner mucho peso en esta evidencia puramente ‘transversal’ sobre un punto en el tiempo, y muchos factores determinan las tasas de homicidio. Sin embargo, aún es interesante notar que gran parte del país tiene tasas muy altas de propiedad de armas y cero asesinatos”.

Por último, concluye: “El asesinato no es un problema nacional. Es un problema en un pequeño conjunto de áreas urbanas e incluso en esos condados los asesinatos son concentrados en pequeñas áreas dentro de ellos, y cualquier solución debe reducir esos asesinatos”. . . .

Por Factchequeado, “No, este informe no señala que los homicidios pasan en ciudades demócratas con duras leyes contra las armas,” El Tiempo Latino, January 30, 2023.

. . . The Crime Prevention Research Center reported that some 73% of all murders in the U.S. take place in just 5% of counties with Marion County being in the top 10. Fifty-two percent of all counties report no murders at all.

“Murder isn’t a nationwide problem,” the study found. “It’s a problem in a small set of urban areas, and even in those counties, murders are concentrated in small areas inside them, and any solution must reduce those murders.” . . .

Craig Ladwig, “Stopping and frisking saves lives,” The Tribune, January 26, 2023.

By the numbers: Florida has the most concealed carry permit holders at 2.57 million, per a report published by the Crime Prevention Research Center. . . .

Sri Ravipati, “Florida GOP lawmakers propose bill to eliminate concealed carry permit,” Axios, January 30, 2023.

Map created by the Crime Prevention Research Center shows percentages of adults in each state with concealed handgun permits. . . .

“Judge blocks New Jersey from banning guns in more ‘sensitive locations’,” WFIN, January 31, 2023.

In the United States, at least 21 state capitols allow some form of legal firearm carry for either visitors, legislators, employees or all of the above, the Crime Prevention Research Center said. The center does academic research on the relationship between laws regulating the ownership or use of guns. . . .

Sofia Saric, “Bill would allow guns at meetings,” Powell Tribune (Wyoming), January 26, 2023.

Murders in the U.S. are becoming increasingly concentrated in densely populated urban centers in just a handful of counties, according to a newly released report.

Some 73% of all murders in the U.S. took place in just 5% of counties while 52% of all counties reported no murders at all, according to a Crime Prevention Research Center study published this week and provided to Fox News Digital.

“Murders in the United States occur in very small areas, and that concentration has increased since 2014,” the study stated. “The concentration in 2020 is now greater than in 2010.”

The report comes as a violent crime wave that ballooned in 2020 still rages in some parts of the country.

“Murder isn’t a nationwide problem,” the study found. “It’s a problem in a small set of urban areas and even in those counties murders are concentrated in small areas inside them, and any solution must reduce those murders.” . . .

“Murders are becoming even more concentrated in a handful of urban counties, report shows,” WCSI News Talk, January 29, 2023.

An excellent example of this is provided by recent research on the US murder rate by the Crime Prevention Research Center, and its president, John R. Lott Jr., whom I have known since we overlapped many years ago in the UCLA Economics PhD program. I would note that John’s work is often controversial, which also makes him a frequent subject of ad hominem attacks, because the empirical data he develops can strongly contradict what others are “selling” as the truth in some area, particularly with regard to crime. However, I have never seen him abuse logic and statistics to get a particular answer he set out to find (or was paid to, as many “researchers” are). His focus, which strongly reminds me of the work of Harold Demsetz, who taught both of us, is on designing empirical tests to differentiate among alternative explanations, then following where the evidence leads, rather than torturing evidence to create the “right” wrong answer.

Increases in homicide rates tend to be treated by state and federal politicians as if they are broadly distributed national problems to scare Americans into supporting overly broad-brush “solutions.” But Lott’s research shows instead that “homicide rates have spiked, but most of America has remained untouched.” Or as David Strom summarized the results, “There are vast swathes of the country where violent crime is very, very rare, and small areas of the country where it is common.” If that is true, we should focus our attention on those small areas, not on national policies poorly focused on where the actual problems are most severe. . . .

Gary Galles, “Concentrate Where the Murders Are Concentrated,” Mises Institute, January 28, 2023.

First, a report from the Crime Prevention Research Center found that between 1950 and 2016, 98.4 percent of mass shooting were in gun free zones. It seems gun-free zones are not helping protect people from mass shootings and are targets for shooters.

Bella Jordan, “Mass Shooting Solutions,” The Arapahoe Pinnacle, January 23, 2023.

Concealed carry permits have increased by 2.3% in 2022 compared to last year, despite nearly half of U.S. states enacting what have been termed constitutional carry laws that don’t require Americans to obtain a government-issued permit to legally carry firearms, a new report shows.

“As the United States is moving into a post-pandemic era, the number of concealed handgun permits has continued increasing. The figure now stands at 22.01 million – a 2.3% increase since last year,” a report published by the Crime Prevention Research Center (CPRC).

CPRC compiled the data using information from concealed carry permits issued in states across the country this year. The report does not rely on surveys on gun ownership or polls, which CPRC argued can lead to people not answering honestly. A concealed carry weapon (CCW) is the practice of Americans carrying firearms in a public space but in a way that is not visible to others.

“Last year, the number of permit holders continued to grow by about 488,000. At 2.3% growth over 2021, that is the slowest percent and absolute increase that we have seen since we started collecting this data in 2011. Part of that is due to the number of permits declining in the Constitutional Carry states even though it is clear that more people are legally carrying,” the report states.

While the increase may have some anti-gun groups concerned, supporters of the Second Amendment maintain that Americans are simply embracing their constitutional rights and seek to carry a firearm for protection. John R. Lott, president of the CPRC, told FoxNews in a statement that the increase was largely due to increased crime in recent years, as well as the defund the police movement.

“The reason for the increase is the same as the increase in gun sales over the last two years, increased crime and concerns that police aren’t able to do their job and that large numbers of inmates were released from jails and prisons,” Lott said. . . .

Cindy Uken, “CONCEALED CARRY PERMITS RISE IN RIVCO, NATION,” Uken Report, January 31, 2023.

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